Bluebandit60's Home Pages
  Hello, I guess you're here because you'd like to know a little more about me.  Well, I just returned from Afghanistan and haven't been able to update these pages for quite some time so this information may be a little old but I'm trying to keep up..  I was in Bosnia until November, 2001 and this past summer I went to Afghanistan to kick a little butt..  I've been in the Army for over Thirteen years now.  I've been to several countries all over the world, so if you'd like to share some of your experiences or find out about some of the places that I've been, just email me.  I will try to put more pictures on these pages of Bosnia and other contries that I've been stationed at soon.  My email address is below.

     I like all kinds of music, but I have to admit that country is probably still my favorite.  I'm originally from Northern Illinois, not far from Rockford.  I enjoy the outdoors, mostly fishing and hunting.  I guess being outside most of the  time is one of the reasons I like my job as much as I do.

     Something I'd like to say.  I think everyone should overcome their inhibitions.  If you think back, how many things have you missed out on because you were either too embarrased or worried about what other people would think?  Too many times!  Just remember...Live for today, before you wish you had tomorrow! 
Army Pictures
Warrant Page
Germany Favorite Sites
Iraq / Turkey
Jamie's Page
My Evolution