<BGSOUND SRC="/marbeth72/lookatus.midi.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Click on banners below to visit these sites.Thanks to my friends for allowing me to put their websites on here. ENJOY!!
Grab a cup of coffee and browse awhile!!
VINCE GILL,my favorite male entertainer!!
This Dove is making its way around the net,
Take him and send him to your friends, or put him on your website!
Kids Say Funnies!!
Click singing cowboy to go to my friend Jim Keelings "Heaven Bound" site.
Click on angel to get your own Birthday angel.
Midi Seq.  Look at Us
Dick Anderson
God Bless America!!
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I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my links page. I invite you to come back any time you can.
A little about me. I am married soon to be 30 yrs. I got my computer in 1997 and have been on here every day since then. I enjoy working on my websites, and I have met a lot of good friends on here, who encouraged me to make music files, which you can listen to on my Marbeth Sings page. I hope you like some of the songs I have chosen to do.  .
  Please come back soon!

Click circle to visit my Circle Of Friends. Thank You!
click on angel to send me an eMail.
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