
Thanks for stopping in. I have a variety of gifs and
backgrounds so sit
back and enjoy.
Please sign my guestbook before
leaving and let me know what you
Thanks to my special friend Val for this good will seal.

I have also adopted an angel, please read
her story below.
NEW!!! I've recently added a HTML tutorial
section to help you add my backgrounds and gifs to your
E-Mail or webpage.
I have added a new
section of backgrounds and gifs for children. There isn't
much yet, but check back because I will be adding more.
If you liked my site please vote for it on the top 100 gif sites. Thanks Denise.

This angel
was MURDERED!!!!! Click on the graphic to read
her story.
I adopted this angel to show that I abhor child abuse and
will do what I can to help make it stop.
To adopt your own angel so you too can show your support in
helping to stop child abuse click on the "Heaven's Littlest
Angels" logo below.
