Welcome to the official home page of "The Mortlach Fiddlers"!
This site contains information about the Mortlach Fiddlers, and some audio samples of the type of music they play.
You can also read recent news items from the Mortlach Fiddlers, including news about new CD's, tapes, and events.

Click on the following links to read a brief history of the Mortlach Fiddlers, or to listen to some examples of the music from one of the Mortlach Fiddlers' tapes in MP3 format.

Recent News From The Mortlach Fiddlers

Note that new items are always displayed first.

Mortlach Fiddlers Announce Retirement

On September 5, 2004, the Mortlach Fiddlers officially announced their retirement after 23 years of providing entertainment to Mortlach and other communities.

December 2002 Update

It has been several months since I updated news of the Mortlach Fiddlers. I haven't felt like writing. We have all been in a state of shock and deep sorrow over the loss of a very dear friend, Elwood Peterson, our piano player. We have always depended on him so much to lead us, to get us started on the right key and right tempo. I have never found anybody with as much natural talent as that boy had. Anything he knew at all he would play in any key, without the music, and with very little practice. We haven't played all fall, since Elwood has been unable to be with us. He passed away in early November, from a recurrance of cancer.

But life must go on and we decided to make a round of all the Senior's homes before Christmas. Tom Durrant now plays keyboard for us and is doing a very capable job. Tom has played with us periodically and is used to our style, so we will continue to carry on, as I am sure Elwood would wish. Merry Christmas everyone, and may the Good Lord bless you in 2003.

July/August 2002 Update

Our "Fiddle" Jamboree has come and gone, so quickly it seems. We had 19 bands participating. This is two or three less than last year but easier to work into the weekend schedule. The weather was a little erratic, hot and sultry on Friday, just about perfect on Saturday, then windy and almost cold on Sunday. Consequently the attendance was down slightly from the last couple years, but the enthusiasm was there, hot or cold and the dance floor was full most of the time. We had decided to cancel our regular schedule through July and August, but we honored some special events that we had promised to play for. We took our turn at "Concerts in the Park" in Crescent Park, July 10th. We also played at Eyebrow Fair, July 6th, and Shamrock Park, July 13th. In August we attended the Weppler Family Reunion at Morse on the 3rd.. We then entertained at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park on August 4th. The rest of the month will be holidays, then in September we expect to get back into the regular round of entertaining the Seniors at their various homes in Moose Jaw. There are rumors of a trip to Central Butte and possibly Chaplin coming up.

May/June 2002 Update

The Mortlach Fiddlers have been keeping busy as usual. May started off with a trip to Regency Manor at Central Butte to entertain the residents. This, on May 3, followed by playing for a bowling banquet the next night at Timothy Eaton Gardens. The next week included entertaining at Ches Nous on Monday, Ina Grafton on Thursday and Rosewood, Friday evening. Our pace slowed a bit the next two weeks. We played at Pioneer Lodge on the 17th, Capilano Court on the 23, then it picked up again the last week of May as we entertained at the Bentley, Monday the 27th, which also included a belated birthday party for Allan, our bass player. The following afternoon we visited Providence Place to play at the MaGuire Centre and Garden Grove. We finished up the week, and the month playing for a dance at the Cosmo Centre, Friday May 31. Swinging into June the calendar looked pretty full, starting with a trip to Chaplin on the 1st to take part in their annual Shore-Bird celebration, a very enjoyable event. We were rained out the following day which prevented us from playing at Wakamow Park, for the M-S Walkathon, but on June 3 we entertained at the Strawberry Social in Mortlach. Later that week we played for the Happy Hour in the Rose Room, Providence Place, this on Thursday, the 7th. The next evening we entertained at Hi-Park Tower. The next week promised to be almost a full week with Family Day at Pioneer Lodge on Sunday, Central Butte on Tuesday, Ina Grafton on Thursday, and the Mortlach Annual Family Fun Day, complete with riding a float in the parade and playing a concert after. This on Saturday, the 15th. We make a trip to Shamrock Park, Wednesday the 19th, and then there will be Pioneer Lodge, the 21st, and Capilano Court, on the 27th to wind up the month's activities.

March/April 2002 Update

March started out quite routinely for the Mortlach Fiddlers, that is entertaining at Chez Nous, Ina Grafton, Pioneer Lodge, and Capilano Court, in turn through the month. However, we were invited to play at a birthday party at Prairie Oasis in honor of Eileen Lewis on March 17. Then, on March 21, we were asked to the annual Ladies Night at Grandview Church, put on by the men of the church. We along with our spouses--escorts enjoyed a delightful supper and entertained afterwords. The highlight of the month was that on March 30, we played for the wedding of Bob Gamble and Dr. Christina Mader, this also at the Prairie Oasis. This was a new experience for us, Here Comes the Bride et al. A very enjoyable occasion, and the hall was decked out in more daffodils than I've ever seen.
In April, beside our regular engagements at the senior's homes, we played for Coffee-Mate at Timothy Eaton Gardens, April 3, Maguire Centre, April 15, and we have been asked to take part in a Vaudeville show at the Cosmo Centre, April 21. We will also play for a dance at Temple Towers, April 24 and entertain at Heritage Place, April 25. We are making plans for our 11th "Old-Time Fiddlers Jamboree" at Besant, July 19, 20, and 21, and will get our literature, posters, etc. out this week. We expect a good response this year, from the participating bands and from the spectators. See you all there.

January/February 2002 Update

First of all, just a quick review of our activities in 2001. We had a really busy year, and did a considerable amount of travelling for a bunch of old codgers. Our longest trip was to Lloydminister in June to entertain the Senior Club there. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. What hospitality! Stayed overnight and drove home a different route the next day. In July of course, we sponsored our 10th "Old Time Fiddlers Jamboree" at Besant, which turned out to be a real success as usual. We visited Shamrock twice in 2001, once to the hall to an Anniversary, and then later to the Park, one hot day in July. We entertained Chaplin seniors twice during the summer, and in September we were the feature band at the Senior's Fun Day in the Centre of the Arts in Regina, sponsored by the Saskatchewan Senior publication. We also took part in a jamboree at Creekside Gardens in Qu'Appelle in August. In all, we ran up quite a few kilometers, when you add on an average of about twice a week that we played at the several Senior homes in Moose Jaw.
We note with sorrow, the passing of our banjo player, Jack Brownlee in January. We have lost a fine friend, and a fine musician. Jack has played with us for about 15 years, and we miss him sadly. Our condolences go out to Aggie and the family. We've settled down to entertaining at the homes in Moose Jaw with no big trips planned for 2002, so far. Of course we will have another Old Time Fiddler's Jamboree at Besant, this year, which will be July 19, 20, and 21. See you all there.

September/October 2001 Update

The main event in September for the Mortlach Fiddlers was of course the Senior's Fun Day at the Centre of the Arts, September 19th, where the Mortlach Fiddlers were the feature band starting off with "O Canada", and then playing a half hour of dance music, while couples from the audience danced on the spacious stage in front of us. After a varied program of singing groups, and other entertainment, including Nathan and Stefan Trischuk, outstanding fiddlers from Saskatoon, a cowboy poetess, Bernadette Greuel, from Bruno, a group of Ukrainian dancers from Regina, the Fiddlers were joined by the Heritage Fiddlers from Regina and Olga and Friends from Moose Jaw in a jam session, and then a Sing-a-long with the audience for the Finale. It was all Saskatchewan talent, no big name bands, but it demonstrated what talent we have right here at home.

Except for the day at the Centre of the Arts, September was pretty much routine for the Fiddlers, playing at the several nursing homes, and October promises to be much the same, except we have been invited to entertain at the Co-op Cafeteria, October 18th, during their Co-op week. And we have been asked to play at the Officer's Mess at the Air Base, October 23. Hope to see you next month.

June/July 2001 Update

There, I did it again; missed June, so I'll combine it with July.
Our big event in June was, of course, our trip to Lloydminster, which was a huge success. Beside the adventure of the trip which we all enjoyed immensely, the reception they gave us on arrival left nothing to be desired. We were treated to a gorgeous barbeque supper, and afterword when we started to play, the dance floor filled up immediately, for every dance, always a dance band's dream. This took place on June 1st. We drove home the following day, then on Sunday, June 3rd, we had a double gig, the first one in Wakamow Park for the MS Walkathon, then over to Pioneer Lodge for their Family Day.
Monday, June 4th we played at the Strawberry Social in Mortlach.
The following Saturday, June 9th, we entertained at Chaplin for the Shore Bird Festival. Then, on Sunday, another double gig at the opening of the Trans Canada Trail in Wakamow Park, then over to Providence Place for their Family Day.
We made our regular visits to Ina Grafton on the 14th, and Pioneer Lodge, on the 15th, then a few days off til we rode the Providence Place float in the Hometown Fair Parade, Thursday, June 21st. The following evening, we entertained a group of Seniors at Chaplin. On June 25th, we were guests of extended care at a volunteer appreciation evening where we enjoyed a most delightful puppet show, complete with dessert and coffee. On Thursday, we made our regular visit to Capilano Court, then it was Chateau St. Michaels, Friday the 29th, Grant Devine's Pelican Lodge on the 30th, and Canada Day celebration at Besant on July 1st.
July will not be quite as busy for us, but we will be playing at the grand opening of the "Wagons West Cookhouse", our new restaurant in Mortlach, July 9th. Then it's our turn to play at concerts in the park in Crescent Park, July 11th, and the following evening, we play our regular stint at Ina Grafton.
We are scheduled to play at Shamrock Park, July 14th, and that will be all until we have our Old Time Fiddlers' Jamboree, July 20th, 21st, and 22nd. Our activities for July will end up with a stint at the Maguire Centre at Providence Place, Wednesday, the 25th, and Capalano Court on the 26th.

April/May 2001 Update

April was just sort of routine for the Fiddlers. We kept our usual engagements at Ina Grafton, Pioneer Lodge, Capilano Court, and Chez Nous, with a couple visits to Providence Place thrown in. We celebrated the combined birthdays of Eileen Torgerson and Haldon Hodgins, and that was about the sum of our activities in April. I should add that we were invited to two separate pancake breakfasts for volunteers, one at Providence Place, the other at Cosmo Centre, sponsored by the Thunder Creek Health District. Some of us attended one, some the other, and some attended both. Thank you very much.

Our first engagement in May was an invitation to the wind-up banquet of the 55+ Bowlers Leagues, and to play for a dance after. Then we have settled down to the monthly round of senior homes. We had a special event on May 19, that was Eileen and Arnold's 60th wedding anniversary. It was a come-and-go tea at Timothy Eaton Gardens. We wish them many more happy years together. We are preparing for a trip to Lloydminister, on June 1. We will attend a barbeque at 6 o'clock, then play for a dance after, for the Lloydminister Senior Citizens Society. This will be one of the highlights of our summer activities.

March 2001 Update

Well, the big news since our last update is that on February 27, we were honored by the Moose Jaw Chamber of Comerce and Country 800 CHAB to be chosen the 2000 Group of the Year. This included a banquet and evening entertainment at Temple Gardens Mineral Spa. All this in recognition of our volunteer work at the various Seniors Homes in the city. It does give us a warm feeling to know we are appreciated for something we enjoy doing. And we say thank you to the Chamber of Comerce and Country 800. I think we have played eleven times in March around the Homes in Moose Jaw and that includes entertaining at Coffee-Mate one morning at Timothy Eaton Gardens, and for the Kosmo Kats, one evening at the Cosmo Centre. We celebrated Marion Rowe's birthday with a dinner on March 16th as well. We also took part in a jam session in Concerts in the Garden on March 22.

February 2001 Update

First of all, I want to thank the Shamrock Community for the wonderful reception they accorded us when we entertained at their 75th Anniversary of their community hall on January 28. The day was perfect, one of the most beautiful days we have had this winter, the road was good, and when we arrived we were greeted with open arms. When we finished playing to a receptive audience, we were treated to a most delectable beef supper, the kind that only rural Saskatchewan cooks can whomp up. Our fellows and girls are still talking about that day and the Shamrock hospitality. WOW!
After that extravaganza, February started off at a slower pace for the Fiddlers, and we settled down to the routine of entertaining at the different seniors homes. However, on February 17, we were invited to a Lutefisk at the A.N.A. Vets and to entertain after. This was sponsored by the local chapter of the Sons of Norway. A very enjoyable evening and for the most, the Lutefisk was a new experience.
On February 26, we celebrated Arnold's birthday with a supper at Bananza and will wind up the month playing at the Telemiracle Tea in the Mortlach Community Hall, sponsored by the Mortlach seniors. See you next month at this web site.

January 2001 Update

Just a short update for our web page. With the Christmas rush over, I've just sort of relaxed and haven't got this out on time. However, we're back into the regular routine of entertaining at the several Senior Centres in Moose Jaw. We will have an extra gig this month when we play on Sunday, January 28, at Shamrock for the 75th Anniversary of the Shamrock Community Hall.
Our recording that we produced ourselves with the kind assistance of Kelly Sapergia and Glady MacDonald turned out quite well. We made less than 100 copies but they're all gone. We can quickly dub more if the need arises.

December 2000 Update

The Fiddlers' calendar hasn't been quite as full in December as it was in November for some reason. However, before the month is out we will have played six or seven times.
What we have done is make a 30-minute recording of Christmas music, with guest singers Lorrie Hall, Joan Searle, and Doris Hall. This is in response to several requests for such a tape.
We recorded this ourselves, then took it to Kelly Sapergia to edit. He entered it into his computer, then made a CD for us also. We have a limited number of these. If anyone is interested in one of these in cassette or CD, contact one of our members, or Kelly Sapergia, Box 244, Mortlach. (His e-mail address is at the bottom of this page.)
We are not playing the last week before Christmas, but we do wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays.

If you're interested in ordering any of the tapes of the Mortlach Fiddlers, click here to e-mail Kelly Sapergia for more information.

This site was created for the Mortlach Fiddlers by Kelly Sapergia.
Use the above e-mail link if you have any questions regarding this site. Or click here to visit his personal web site.