Last updated
August 24, 2008
See Special Message Below Bio.
Leif Eddy Haynes is a singer,guitarist,and songwriter from the Pacific Northwest. He has been playing and singing since the age of nine. He has been playing gigs steadily since 1973 while still in high school. He played Rock and Roll till 1982 when he went back to his roots and started playing country music. His earliest influence was the music of Johnny Horton. Altho' he didn't start playing guitar till he was nine, he drove his parents crazy singing "The Battle of New Orleans" at the age of four. He still sings the song at every gig today. His first album called "Lonesome and Blue" is available on Pacific Northern Records on CD and MP3. He had the 3-piece rockabilly band "Rebel Rouser" in the mid 80's. Their EP will be available after twenty years on MP3. The Alaska Boys recorded an answer to all the folks who tried to sue the US government into taking the phrase "One Nation Under God" out of our pledge of allegiance and the words "In God We Trust" out of our currency. Show your support and please support our troops. Spread the word!
More N.W. Rock and Roll History at
Musical History Page
Pacifc Northern Records
Thanks a million!!
Leif Eddy Haynes
August 21, 2008
Copyright 1999-2008
Review for Lonesome and Blue CD
Life Magazine Parody
Johnny Horton Tribute
Leif Eddy Haynes
MySpace Page
The Alaska Boys New
New Single "One Nation Under God"
Still available for free at:

Contact E-Mail
My Old Friend
and guitarist in
The Stratocruisers (Web Page)
Joe Shikany (His Web Page)
January 31, 1950 - August 18, 2008
Rest In Peace
Seattle Times Obituary Page
New Joe Shikany Tribute on
My Old Friend and Mentor
Tillman Franks
Johnny Horton's Manager, Song Writer
and Promoter from The Louisiana Hayride

September 29, 1929 - October 26, 2006
Rest In Peace
Also Dedicated
My Old Friend
Tony Bortko

Guitarist of The Numatics & X-Static
Rest In Peace