Welcome to my music page. I will put some of my favorite songs on this page that you can help yourself to if you like. The selection will follow below. I am sure that a lot of people that visit this page, already know how to save MIDI's to your hard drive. The following is for those of you that do not know how to.
Before you scroll down to the list of songs, please read the following.
You can have these songs playing while you are browsing the web, chatting or while doing EMail or working on your home page.
To save MIDI's for your listening pleasure:
Click on the title of your choice/after the player is on your screen/place the cursor-pointer on the song of your choice and/Right Click/SAVE AS to your own hard drive or disk. If you don't get the option to "Save As" then just Left/Click, you will get the Crescendo console, then click on file and Left/Click on "Save As". Don't be afraid to try either mouse button. You may need Crescendo to hear the music. If you do please visit Brandi's Music Page for instructions for downloading. Go to MUSIC Be sure to Favorite place/Bookmark this page before you go.
There are a lot more instructions for you on Brandi's Music Page if you care to add music to your web page. You will also find instructions for help in writing HTML and other web page tips. I have found her knowledge to be very extensive in this field so I am not going to put those tips here but give you an opportunity to view her page for the help you might need. I would , however, be glad to help anyone that doesn't understand the instructions. You can simply EMail me with your question and I will try to answer you.
If you prefer to listen to another song that is listed instead of the song I picked then simply left/click on the song of your choice and it will play while you are looking at my page.
Here is my list of tunes for you to have for your listening pleasure. Please bear with me as I add music to this page. I am still new at using these codes for the music so I am taking my time.
Below you will find a little of everything. The first group will be assorted and then I will try to put them into catagories after that. I hope you find something you like.