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Grace Kenny!

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What a fine time to visit me. Here you are, observing my web page, thinking...What is she going to do now? Is she going to do something crazy or what. Is she going to drop that thing around her shoulders and give us her full monties. Is there going to be a boring singer bio on this page....What you ask....I asked myself the same question and I haven't the foggiest idea what to put on this page. I have a new CONTEST starting today. The winner gets a free CD. To enter, you must e-mail me with your ideas on what to do on my web page. The top 3 ideas will win a complementary Demo Days CD. Ya, all right, Yee ha, what else can you ask for !!!


Now you are wondering what the CD sounds like aren't you. I think it is pretty darn awesome and I present it to you as my demo. Sure thing, and I did it myself - Ooooo Ahhhhh - I don't have a record company to sponsor the real deal yet but don't you worry, it's just a matter of time. I haven't come this far and sang so many long nights in dingy night clubs and crazy foreign countries to give up now. Nope! No way, no how. You gotta be joking! I am just getting revved up! Nashville is STUCK with me! Yupper, ah ha and AMEN!


Take a minutes and listen to these clips from my songs with your Real Audio Player!



Great, You listened to the songs, and.....what did you think? I bet you didn't expect the opera to be there. Look for more of that later on an additional page.

What? You want more...Sorry, I don't have anything else...Oh, wait a minute....Ya, one more thing...THE BIGFOOT MONSTER TRUCK MADNESS NATIONAL ANTHEM. That is correct. I sang the National Anthem for the opening of the Monster Truck Madness show at the State Fair in September 1998. I recorded it with a little Walkman, but it still sounds good. Check it out!

National Anthem-Big Foot Monster Truck Madness


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