Welcome To My Insanity!

Once again I have started to do a little clean up. I will gradually be fixng stuff and updating. A lot has happened in the last couple of years and I am going to try and share them with you. If I can! As well, if you would like, I have a blog on MySpace at MSN, click here to view: Jewels Space You may not be able to read the site if you don't subscribe to msn, hotmail or you don't have an MSN Passport login.

The History

As you all know, this ongoing work of mine and has been giving me a migraine since October 1997. *ahem* I always try to bring something new to your eyes every now and again. And I still blame one of my friends for this as she got me hooked on it in the first place. Hope you enjoy!

My Other Weakness

Usually I wouldn't put my links to sites here because I created the page for that stuff. But I am crazy about this band. They just celebrated 25 years together in 2005. And they still sound great! I grew up listening to them in the 80s because of my brother. The current album is called 'Yeah' and I agree with them; it's the only way to sum it up! It rocks! Paying homage to the artists that inspired them. Also, for those who are interested, Hysteria - The Deluxe Edition came out October 2006! Check out the website or go to your local record store.

Click here to visit the official Def Leppard site!

This is my Betta. My nephew named him Nemo after the movie. This is an old picture, taken right
after I got him 2 years ago. Unfortunately, today, April 3, 2007, he died and I had to flush him. He was a lot bigger when
he died then in this picture. Poor guy. I know that fish aren't much fun. But they are calming to look at. I'll miss him.

Now back to your regular scheduled program!

Pictures From April 2005 to July 2005
Let's Hit The Links!
My Beloved Dog Who Passed Away In 2000!
Photos Of Myself, My Friends and their Pets!
My Useless Facts
Questionnaire I filled Out In My Email
Some Of My Favourite Things
Poems I Have Written and Others!
Thought Of The Day!

Questions or Comments on anything you see... Email me jewels24_99@yahoo.com
ICQ number: 9621275
I also use MSN Messenger. Use this address: jello6@hotmail.com for MSN!