Mary's Paul Brandt Fan Page

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Mary's Paul Brandt Fan Page

Okay, everyone say "awwwww..." on three, okay? 1.........2.........


1. Please do not leave any inappropriate messages in my guestbook.

2. If you are not a Paul Brandt fan, please do not go into the chat room just to get attention.

3. and 4. Have fun & keep being a Paul fan!

Lots and lots of special thanks to April for e-mailing me all those instructions (step by step), setting up the chat, the guestbook, the background,...I could go on! But then, you Paul fans will probably waste all yout time just reading about my gratitude (which will end who-knows-when!) and not get to see the rest of this page! So I'm going to be quiet now and let you go on browsing!

Tweety's News Corner!

Juno Awards!!!

For the third consecutive year, Paul has picked up the Juno for Best Country Male Vocalist! Way to go!!!!

"That's The Truth"!!!

Yup, and that's also the name of Paul's third album! The title track will be released on April 5th, and the CD itself will be released in Canada on May 25th, and in the US some time in June. This oughta brighten up your 1999 by a lot!

The Wilkinsons!!!

Check out my page for The Wilkinson (my favourite country act right next to Paul!)!!! It's finally up and running!

My 26 Cents Worth

Sweet, humble, caring, giving, generous, down-to-earth, and bright. Does that sound like the perfect man? Well, in a way, it is. By now you should know who I'm describing: the amazing Paul Brandt. Not only is he the most talented performer in country music, he is also just about the most giving. If you know who Paul is, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The range on that baritone is UNBELIEVABLE, and the size of his heart is almost too good to be true. Paul can warm you from head to toe with his music, his voice, his kindness, and his friendliness. All of those are reflected at his energetic concerts. Paul has been known to interact a lot with the audience. And he clowns around with his band too, which is another example of his down-to-earth goofiness. There are only two words to describe Paul: near perfect. Read on for more about my favourite 26-year-old.

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Paul Brandt World Tour '97: New Westminster, Vancouver

Paul Brandt Concert: Kelowna, British Columbia

Calm Before the Storm

Outside the Frame

The Story Behind "I Meant To Do That" (from "Chicken Soup For The Country Soul)

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