Hi my name is Terry. I'm the one in the white shirt with sunglasses. I'm happily married to Ad and have three wonderful children, Dean, Darryl and Tracey. I live in the interior of British Columbia (Okanagan Valley), Canada. 1996-97 was pretty exciting for me, as it was the year of searching and locating one of my children, who I hadn't seen for 30 years! (I gave him up for adoption at birth). Now my family is finally complete and that void in my life is filled. We had a wonderful reunion over the Christmas season(1997) (our third time together). We spent many hours getting to know one another and becoming closer.

I love to chat online, usually I can be found on MSN chat. Since locating my son, Dean, I have been doing a lot of reading on adoption and there is a lot more to adoption than just moving a child from one family to another!! My son and I have become very close and even though we are not closer geographically at present, we are close in our hearts and thats where it really counts! It has also been wonderful for my other two children, Darryl and Tracey, to finally meet their brother. The summer of l998 we spent a week together getting to know each other better. I would love to chat with anyone interested in this subject matter and have a list of books I have read that have been very enlightening for me. If you are interested in reading any of these books let me know and I will email my list. Since starting this page, my daughter and I have started a local support group and have had many meetings which have all been very fulfilling. We have helped several people locate their birth families and got to relive the feelings we had when we first were reunited with my son.

I have taken on a new interest in the past year and that is of genealogy! I have been doing research on my family roots, via the internet, and come up with lots of information, links, family and friends. There are so many great websites out there to help you in your search. I have been in contact with cousins in Quebec, Rhode Island and Arizona. So now i can be found searching, searching......... You can check out my genealogy links and see if there is anyone you know! I have my family tree information at several locations on the internet so if you are interested in checking out my family tree send me an email and I will forward the addresses to you. A lot has been accomplished on my dad's side of the family, but my mother is from Czechoslovakia and I haven't had much success with any of her ancestors. I have a link below to my genealogy database, however, to view it you must have a password, so if you are interested please contact me and I will send you an invitation! My info is also at www.rootsweb.com and click on the World Connect link and type in my name, that will get you to my most up to date database.

My interests are: my wonderful grandchildren - Tanner, Trista, Kelci, Dylan and Jamee. I also love to travel!! Especially to warm tropical places during the winter months.

Email me at terryruesch@hotmail.com Thanks for dropping by, let me know what you think of adoption, should it be in the interests of the child or the adults who cannot have children? Also if you have any suggestions for my page, I would love to hear from you.


Adoption Poem

Terry's Genealogy Database

Darryl's Page(son)

Together Again Adoption Search[Dean's Page{son}]

Francis Houde(dad)Wood Carver

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