Take a little tour of Music City with me!

Nashville! It's a great, world-class city
-- big enough to have all the amenities of city life
without losing the charm and comforts of a small town.

I want you to meet my family and friends, and have a
little fun with us while you're here.

My real name is Sam McPherson, and my job, by day, for
almost 20 years had been directing a
department of our local government, a unique
consolidation of city and county governments we pioneered
back in 1963. My department was General Services, which
provided internal services to other local agencies. Somehow,
after working well under three different administrations,
I made it on a new mayor's purge list and took my pension
at the end of 1999. That's politics!

There was never a dull moment in General Services, and I can
blame at least some of my hair loss on the need to switch
hats so frequently.

Our city is booming, in large measure because we had progressive
leadership in the past.

Our Arena is one of the best in the country, hosting the National Hockey
League's Nashville Predators.

It also is an excellent venue for ice skating competitions, basketball
and concerts with a killer sound system.

Our $300 million stadium -- The Coliseum --
is a beautiful site for the National Football
League's Tennessee Titans, who continue to rank among pro football's elite.
The stadium graces the east riverbank downtown.

There's a brand new Country Music Hall of Fame downtown that is well worth spending a few hours in if you love America's music. The music, tourism and convention businesses continue to grow
and the economic outlook is great.

Well, I guess you can tell that I'm proud of Nashville ... and if you
haven't been here, please visit us as soon and as often as you can.

In the meantime, come on in electronically and meet my family and friends,
and if you can take a moment to write, we'd like to hear from you via e-Mail.

  • A look through my neighbor's peep-hole at me.
  • Meet my Family.
  • Have some fun with my friends.
  • Visit the rising country star - Randy Stafford - across the street
    or see him onstage at the Wildhorse Saloon.
  • Go back to 5350 block.
  • Drop me a line through e-Mail.

  • You are visitor number to hit this Page since July 1, 1998!

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