© 2008 Jbarth-All Rights Reserved - all photos and content of the website are copyright...not to be used anywhere without written permission of author.
Amy's New Christmas Collection CD is available now. Catch Amy on tour with Vince Gill this December 2008.
Available NOW...
Lead Me On 20th Anniversary Edition 2 CD set with live songs & interviews from the LMO era
& Amy's New book "Mosaic: Pieces of My Life So Far"
-an autobiography that resonates with her trademark poetic imagery and engaging spirit, Grant presents her musings on everyday life—friendship, marriage, motherhood, loss, forgiveness, and new beginnings—and provides inspiring insights into what it means to live authentically.
Amy did a benefit for Youth For Christ near Baltimore, MD May 13, 2008
Read my review of the evening
Amy did a taping at XM studio's for an Artist Confidental show in July 2006
Read my review of the taping
Miss an Amy Grant tour stop??? Look in
My Tours Of Amy Section to view many eras of Amy's touring career.
Take a little time to look around...
See what's cooking in the
Amy's Recipes Section. Recipe favorites straight from Amy's kitchen.
Riverstone Farm Dinner in the Round May 9, 1997-- See Photos and Memories
My Photos and Memories with Amy through the years
Updated Sections
Articles about Amy from 2005 to 2008 - Updated
All About Amy with a new biography link
This web site is an unofficial fan page dedicated to the promotion of Mrs. Amy Grant Gill. I have had this site since 1998 and have worked very hard to fill it with as much Amy information as I can. I hope you enjoy accessing more about Amy Grant and enjoy the work I have done. Amy is truly a shining example both in her career and her life. Her musical efforts have resulted in many people finding God and changing their lives...I know she has change mine. Amy supports many causes like,
Habitat for Humanity, Compassion International, and Target House and has even opened up her home to welcome many charities. Hear Amy's Words regarding Compassion International,
All pictures and content on this web site are copyright and for fellow fans of Amy viewing pleasure only. I hope you enjoy this site. I have worked on it for many long hours to improve it and add as much information on Amy as I could find. Please feel free to "Stay for Awhile" and enjoy your visit "Behind The Eyes".
Peace, Jill