
Country at its BEST!!!!! Kickin' it up!! COUNTRY-STYLE!!!

Okay ... first let me introduce myself. My name is Dawn and live in the South Jersey area. Down here, in our own neck of the woods, there aren't too many places for line dancing which is a BIG bummer!!! SO we drive .. and drive ... and drive to other areas ... But we do it just to dance, meet people and have some fun ... and, boy, do we have some FUN!!!!

I got into line dancing about 8 years ago when I decided that I would try to take an interest in what my husband, Scott, listened to ... country music. Even though a friend of mine, Carol, and I looked like a coupla ducks outta water at that first class, I found that I really enjoyed it!! I've met alotta great, fun people, also. I'd like to take this moment to say "HI!!" to a few, if ya don't mind. Anne, Jackie & Bob, Billy, Mary, Dolores, Deborah, Cheryl, Charlie & Donna, Jimmy & Kathy, Jennifer, Russ, Al, Devoney, Debbie (although I've know her from my "pre-dance days"), Barb, Veronica (aka Ronnie), Jamaica, Samantha, Kim & Marissa, and the very BEST DJ in the South Jersey area,DJ Crazy Bob!!! A big "HELLO!!!" to all of you and to those of you I missed. (forgive me, please!)

** UPDATE #1 ** DJ Crazy Bob no longer dj's for us ... he's gone onto greener pastures ... but we have someone we like just as much .... WAY TO GO, ED!!! See ya at the Bayshore Inn!!!!

** UPDATE #2 ** We all went back to the Rio Station ... but not for long. Rio Station cancelled "Country Night." Okay now .... we don't have any place to go within Cape May County except for Cape May Convention Hall ... once a month. Soooooooooooooooooo .... Country Line Dancin' is 'almost' dead in Cape May County, New Jersey.

So, grab yer pardner and yer boots 'cuz we're gonna "kick it up!! Country-style!!" (oops, don't forget yer Stetson!!)

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Dance Instructions ... Step-by-Step!!!! OVER 2 MILLION HITS!!!

Other South Jersey Country sites that might interest you are ...

Check out yer "fav-o-right" Country music stars with these GREAT links!!!

Other great sites I've found for your "dance steps" pleasure are ...

And, NO!!! Ya can't boot-scoot butt-nekkid!!! Get yer western wear from these companies that are proud to bring ya the very best!!!

Let that special someone know just how you feel!!! Send him/her a special greeting TODAY!!!

Visit my "FRIENDS" page!!! Not exactly country stuff but you may find it interesting!! (under construction)

And last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my family, Scott, Trevor, Kyle, Nicole, Courtney (our dalmatian mutt), Mercedes (an adorable, playful l'il, bigger fur ball) and Booger (a ball-fetchin' l'il littler ball of feline fur ... yes ... we have a kitten who plays FETCH!!!) for putting up with my dancing and computer "addictions." (FINALLY, the two come together!!) Without their support and understanding, I wouldn't have been able to partake in either.

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There have been "honky-tonkers" right here with ya!!

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Most recent revision: Tuesday, January 13, 2004.