I'm a country music and bluegrass fan, and play most bluegrass instruments.
I would rather play music than eat which probably explains why I'm so skinny. *GRIN*

If you want to talk to me, I have ICQ, and my number is 1358324. Feel free to holler at me.Oh, yeah, almost forgot. My wifes ICQ# is 40636861

See me on my
Live Web Cam

When I'm not playing (on the computer or music) I work as a programmer for
an insurance company, where I use an IBM AS/400 to write programs in RPG, and do some development with Lotus Notes.

send me mail!

My wifes home page, also known as
Sugar Shakers Shack

Wanna see some pictures of me and my old band?

This page has been accessed

times since 11-29-97

Last updated 01-05-2000

This page created by Nightcrawler (me)*smile*

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