

Special 'Vidcaps' section added, featuring over 500 ( !!!!! ) pictures of HIGH NOON and friends.

The Official High Noon Homepage is up and running. The info on these pages WILL NOT be updated anymore. Please hit the link above to get to the active site !

Brand new 'HIGH NOON' CD available NOW on Goofin' Records of Finland. See the LINKS Section for places to buy this record.

( GRCD 6073 )

Track Listing : Rattle Snake Man / Flatland Saturday Night / I'm Not Blue / Rock Too Slow / My Ex Is Why / Rockin' Wildcat / Glory Bound / Tears Keep Fallin' / When She's Good / Devil Woman / Just Because
Bonus Trax :
Baby Let's Play House / Too Much Trouble / Midnight Shift / When She's Good / Rock Too Slow
( Recorded LIVE by Olli Haavisto at 'Cafe Pariisitar', Helsinki / Finland in 1991 )

Well, people, it's finally out, Pete's newest addition to the GOOFIN' catalogue, the long-awaited re-issue ( CD only ) of HIGH NOON's very first album. The master tapes were re-mastered especially for this edition by original producer Janne Haavisto, and I must admit, they sound stunning !!!!! There was hardly a time I can remember, when a CD re-issue sounded so faithful to the original release, yet clear like it was recorded yesterday - keep in mind, these are 1990 recordings.
The 5 bonus tracks are equally well-sounding, they blend with the studio tracks perfectly. Kevin's bass ist right there upfront, pounding out the rhythm while Sean's guitar cuts through the speakers like a knife, leading the way for Shaun's fantastic vocal and rhythm guitar work. Yes, I'm confident to say these songs sound even better than the live tracks on LIVE IN TEXAS & JAPAN, more 'alive'. My favorite is the swingin' version of 'Midnight Shift', but all of the 16 songs on this CD are well worth their price. So, what're ya waitin' fer, go'n'git it !!!!!

Special Note : This is NOT a page put up by the band itself, it is a page put up by an avid fan of the band, myself, Sven Adamski. Therefore, I will not be able to fulfill private requests for autographs, records etc. - please contact the band via the address on the bottom of this page for that. I will however be very glad to relay any questions you have or info you want to the guys and publish the answers on my page in the future .....

The Story of HIGH NOON


On a hot July day in 1989, three guys got together in an even hotter Austin garage with a string bass, Martin guitar and Telecaster to play some music. As if guided by some sacred keeper of the Rockabilly flame, they proceeded to play the whole 'Elvis SUN Sessions', in order, with uncanny precision and fervor. That fateful day, HIGH NOON was born.

And HIGH NOON will always be Sean Mencher, Kevin Smith and Shaun Young. The trio has come a long way since that first garage get-together. Voted the best Rockabilly band for seven ( ! ) years in a row in Austin, TX, the trio has performed in venues as diverse as a youth center in St. Petersburg, Russia ( July 1993 ); a nightclub in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa ( October 1993 ), all over the USA ( early 1995 ), Scandinavia ( mid 1995 ) and Central Europe ( late 1995 ); even 'Carnegie Hall' in New York City ( April 1994 ) with Ronnie Dawson.

Legendary in his mastery of string bass, Kevin Smith provides the rock-solid foundation of HIGH NOON. Sean Mencher lays down the hot licks with a finger pickin' flare on his Gibson or Telecaster; along with Shaun Young, who belts out each song from the heart, he writes many of the songs that make up HIGH NOON's expansive repertoire.

Said 'The Austin Chronicle' :

'Uncannily precise at recreating a sound that crosses SUN-styled Rockabilly with schmaltz-free Nashville country circa late '50s - early '60s, HIGH NOON's simple combination of acoustic and electric guitar plus stand-up bass is an exemplary case of a band pursuing the subtle detail of an established sound and getting it down cold.' ( November 10th 1989 )

HIGH NOON take their musical influences from the greatest American music : Country & Western, Blues, Rock'n'Roll and Bluegrass.

They combine these influences and make the music magic with the bare-bone instrumentation of upright bass, acoustic rhythm guitar and electric lead guitar.

This crowd-pleasing trio produces a 'bigger-than-life' sound that keeps the folks dancing all night long.



Concerning any info on HIGH NOON, here's their Austin address :

Suite 20-215, 2900 West Anderson Lane, Austin / TX 78757


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I know that a lot of  you Rockabillies out there are not about to take HIGH NOON's break-up for an answer. We want 'em back and boppin' together, don't we ?! So whip out your virtual pens and tell 'em what you think in my Guestbook. Write down how badly you want them BACK !!!!!

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