Welcome to Country Child's Homepage

I just want to warn everyone that this page is still under construction so there may be a few things you can't access yet because they are unfinished. Please bear with me and enjoy the rest of the page.

Hi, my name is Michelle Klegseth. Many of you know me as country child or princess giggles. I love to go to the Wagon Wheel Bar and spend time with my friends. I guess you could say, I'm addicted. That's not a bad way to be either. My friend Carrie Lammers and I venture onto the net just about every morning, afternoon, and night. You probably know Carrie as copenhagen angel. We both go into the same room. It's more fun that way. We have a lot of friends in there too.
Enough about that though. I want to tell you a little bit about myself. First of all, I'm the oldest in my family. I have a younger brother named Nick. He's only about a year and a half younger. My parents are divorced and I lived with my mom after that.I haven't talked to my dad in ages, and we don't really get along. That's depressing so enough of that too. I have long blond hair and blue eyes that change color with my moods. When I'm happy, they are a brillant color. I stand at just under 5'9" and I am 20 years old. I go to college, but this is my last sememster. I have a limited amount of time left. I will be back though, and that's something to count on. I am a biotechnology major and will move to Ames in two weeks. Exciting hunh? I guess this will be one of those keep you up to date on my life page. I hope you all enjoy it.

By the way, this is a map of my hometown in Iowa. The splat is where my house is.

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