Flu and Keeper's Home Page

Flu and Keeper's Nest

Hello...Welcome to our homepage...We are glad you stopped by...We are Flu and Keeper of Hearts...

A little about how we met...We met in the Pleasure Palace...Over time love blossomed between the two of us...Then in January of 1998...I (Flu)...Went to North Dakota and picked up Keeper...We loaded up a U-Haul truck and started making our way across the United States...Along the way we stopped in Iowa and were able to meet Iowaboy and Hearts Desire...We then stopped in Illinois and were fortunate to meet Wild Angel...It was so nice meeting some of our friends from the Palace...After stopping and visiting with these friends...We decided it was time to get on our way...We then made our way into Kentucky...Where Keeper's daughter, Beauty lived...We stayed there for about 5 days...We probably outstayed our welcome..*LOL*...But had a wonderful time with her...Knowing all good things must come to an end...We left Kentucky and made our way eastward toward Delaware...Where we now live happily together...

Here is a little more about Keeper, her likes, dislikes, hobbies, a few of her closest friends, her more serious side, her feelings about Flu..., their song, and some of her favorite sites...

Here is a little more about Flu, his likes, dislikes, hobbies, some of his closest friends, his more serious side, his favorite sports teams, his feelings about Keeper...and some of his favorite sites...

Click For Our Wedding Pic!!!

Here are a few of the Poems that Keeper and Flu have written to each other...enjoy!!!!!

A Special Friend's Poems

In Loving Memory

Our Family Photo Album

Here are a few links that we like to visit:

Animation Station...A cool site for animated graphics for your homepage...

Zygraphics...Go here for Designer Graphics...Text Headings...3-D....and Rotating signs...

IconBazaar...All sorts of graphics and backgrounds and etc...for your webpages

Be Mine...A great site that has Greeting cards...Love and Romance chat...Midi's...

Hotmail...The best free E-mail site on the net...

American Ingenuity Dome Homes...This is a company that makes concrete dome homes...This is our dream home...Our goal is to be able to purchase one in the next 5 years...and this we will call our home...

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If you would like to e-mail either one of us our e-mails are...Keeper...email...and...Flu...emai...Hope to hear from you soon...*smile*...

We want to thank you for stopping by to visit us. *smile*...

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