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Welcome to my home page! My name is Jared. I like to compose and perform music, and I also have a fascination with dance. The following links tell more about these subjects.


Click here for a paper on dancing!

Click here for a term paper on musical keyboards!

Click here for a paper about swing dancing!

I am also an electrical engineering student who recently graduated from Youngstown State University.

For my Electrical Engineering Page Click Here

My first ablum of music is called "Con Insert".

The second album is called "The Minstrel".

My third and latest album is called "Have a Good Time".

Lyrics to Con Insert

Lyrics to The Minstrel!

Lyrics to Have A Good Time

Click here for the steps to the Brain Bust'n Boogie Line Dance

Click here for the steps to the Rock'n Roll Robot Line Dance

Click here for the steps to Move it on Up

Click Here to See Jared's Pictures

Any Comments? Are you interested in the music? Please write to

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Heavy rock music "has a very strong narcotic effect," claims Dr. G. A. Aminev of Bashkiria University in the U.S.S.R. As reported in the Belfast News Letter, rock fans who do not get a regular fix of heavy rock music develop the characteristic withdrawal symptoms of drug addiction. "If you completely isolate them for a week from such music," says the Soviet psychologist, "they feel worse, their irritability rises, their hands start to tremble and their pulse is unstable." Some who were tested could not last even three days without their music before the symptoms appeared. Dr. Aminev also found that heavy-rock fans were only 50 percent as productive in work as those who did not listen to rock music. Click here for a research paper on this subject. All references are documented in the MLA format.

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