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Rick's Favorite Websites:

The Gator Zone Chat Room
The Ski Nautique Web Page
Lake Winnipesaukee Web Page
Mount Washington Web Page
The best e-mail going
Rexy's Page

Coming To this web page soon "The King & Queen" Today is Nov. 28, 1997. Today is Carmen and my two month anniversary. Well Carmen is my queen.rc.jpg (36700 bytes) I meet Carmen in the great NHA. Then I didn't talk to Carmen for the month in the summer. Then we start to talk again on NHA but NHA had a "inter error". Then NHA was gone off the net. So we start to talk on the great program of ICQ. Then we start to talk on the phone. I love the way she sounds *S*. We news the Gator zone. The Gator is OK because we can't news us icon's yet. But Rexy the icon master and Purps is the co-icon master is making me and Carmen one up *S*. Thanks Rexy & Purps. And on the Gator I talk to Queen (Sunny) Kimi, Prince Ski, Prince Gildor, Paco, Bone, Purps, Bull, Rexy, Mr. and Mrs. Sunpit, Kailey, Libra, Cole, Emily(Soon), and last but not least, Reet. If I've forget some one Sorry. So now Kimi and I talked for about a year now *S*. In Feb. I'm going out sea to see Carmen in Cape town, South Africa. I now am a 10 grader at Kennett high School. And some of my best friend's are Eric, Dan, Matt, Bob and Carissa. I through about going out for the basketball team. But I didn't because I don't have the time. So then I through about a after school active. But I didn't cause couldn't think of my self as a actor (lol). And then one day I was driving home from school. I was doing about 55mps in a 35mps and this cop give me a bad look so I slow down(For good). It take me about 15 minutes to get home and everyone else's like 25 minutes. Well that's it for now bye and thanks for checking out the page. Don't forget to email about what you think about the page! Rick Kinsella (a.k.a}King Sunny P.S. Don't forget to hit Reload to update this page.




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