
Gate Keeper: Hello old friend, you look well. The knights of farlane have done well for their lord, and have expanded the kingdom.... we are now leading you to our new castle, we will leave this stronghold for backup and storage... mount up! it isent far.... If you think you can find your way on your own then please ride on ahead.

You are the th Honored guest to enter into The House of Farlane.

As our guest our dors are open unto you:

midi files and other sound stuff me! a massive collection of search engines! the pride of the whole House! still needs work LINKS are hard to ceep running Chat game geine stuff and other game cheats for nintendo and snes coming soon

Lord Farlane most recent commands were given 7/13/98

Big changes have come! The conspiracy was not against but for the lord. We have gained new land! Come! Logan Farlane awaits you!

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