Bill  Jackson's  Personal  Homepage

         Welcome to my homepage.  I guess you already know my name is Bill by now.  I live in Saint Johns, Pennsylvania with my wife, Dawn. This Northeastern town is in the coal reigon (no I'm not a coal cracker).  I was born in Kentucky, and raised in 5 different states.    After high school, I  spent a few years in the Coast Guard during the Vietnam War,  and eventually settled down here in Pennsylvania where most of my family resides.    My interests include poetry, country music, oil painting, guitar, keyboard,  photography,  and of course puter putter.

This is Me
If you like the pic - you may continue

         I am the proud father of three beautiful daughters, Tara, Christina and Heather.  You can see why I am so proud when you enter my Favorite Pictures page.

        You can visit my state with me by going to my Home in Pennsylvania page where you'll see pictures I have taken. Then for the truck driver in me I have a Truckers Views page. This page will will constantly be updated.

          I have a country page with some real fantastic Sites and for those of you who are interested in Poetry, I have a page with some written by myself and others for you to enjoy.

           And for those of you who are really interested in what I am about,   I 've  included  a Personal Views page on various subjects which were intricately a part of my life somewhere along the way.
                 You can chat with me if you have ICQ  , my #  is 28520371

If you have any comments  or questions, please feel free to E-Mail me at

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