Square Dancing is Friendship Set to Music

Jerry & Lynn Nelson Kansas City, Kansas


We have lived in Kansas City for the past eleven years after Jerry was transferred with the Santa Fe Railroad. We are originally from Peoria, IL. Finding ourselves in a new city with no friends or family nearby, we decided we needed a recreational activity that we could enjoy together, would be affordable, and would allow us to meet others in the area. Square dancing seemed to be the perfect solu- tion. We took lessons with the Swangers Square Dance Club in 1989 and have since served as the Federation Delegate, Vice President and President of the club. We are now members of the B-N-R Squares and previously served the Heart of America Federation as Co-Editor and Editor for 5 years. We enjoyed the opportunity to meet and dance with people across a two state area. In June of 1996 Lynn decided that she would enjoy being a caller. She started by attending Kaw Valley Caller School, instructed by Dana Schirmer in Topeka, Kansas. She also works with a group of dancers weekly. They have been a big help in improving her calling skills. In July of 1997 Lynn attended the Heart of America Callers School, instructed by Tony Oxendine and Jerry Junck and held in Kansas City. In September 1997 she attended the Golden Triangle Square Dance Caller College held in Woodville, Texas, by Wayne Morvent and Wade Driver. Lynn has been the Club Caller for the B-N-R Squares for the past year and we are very pleased with the support we have received from the members and area dancers. Recently, Lynn was asked to be the club caller for the Mustangs Square Dance Club in Mission, Kansas and looks forward to the challenges of balancing two clubs. The Mustang dances will begin again in September after a summer break. We have 2 children. Our son Tim is 27 and the father of our grandchild, Tim Jr., better known as TJ. On July 31,1997, he married Lesa Pollock and we gained another grandson, Seth. Our daughter Cindi is 25 and still unattached. Her greatest interest is High School and Collegiate Wrestling. Both of our children have square danced and though Tim has moved on to other things, Cindi still accompanies us when she can. She is also a member of the B-N-R Squares. On May 23, 1999, we lost Jerry. After nearly 12 hours in open heart surgery, he just didn't have any more to give. We miss him unbelievably, as do his square dance friends, but we know he is resting peacefully and no longer fighting his health problems. We hope he is still enjoying his square dancing with other square dancers who have gone before us to a better place. Jerry has always been the one to keep this website updated and he deserves all the credit for creating the many wonderful things you see here. I will do my best to keep it as up to date as I can, but please bear with me as I learn to accept responsibility for the many things he took care of. He was such a big part of the behind the scenes tasks that kept our club and other square dance activities running like a well oiled machine and I truly have my work cut out for me to keep up with all he did. I would be happy to share our knowledge of square dancing or the Kansas City area with anyone who might be interested.


B-N-R Squares' and Lynn's Calling Schedule Our Grandson TJ Our Grandson Seth Our Branch of the Family Tree Dance Schedule For The Missouri NW District Area Special Dances


Dave Gipson - Square Dancing
Supreme Audio - Square Dancing
List of Square Dance Callers
United Square Dancers of America
BnR Squares
Missouri State Square Dance - October 15,16,17
Missouri Square Dance Directory
Dean & Barbara Call
Directory of Missouri Clubs
Mainstream Movements (Animated) from Japan

This Square and Round Dance WebRing site is owned by JERRY & LYNN NELSON.

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Cindi's Home Page on Wrestling
Nelson's Genealogy


If you have any questions about Square Dancing
in the Kansas City Area, Nationally, or if you would
just like to chat, E-Mail us at:

You are number to check us out, since April 7, 1997.


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Copyright © 1998/1999 WebMaster: Jerry Nelson
LAST UPDATED - January 27, 1999