A Pedal Steel Guitar Resource on the Net

Greetings! My name is Mike Selecky, I play pedal steel guitar in the northeast Ohio area, mostly freelance weekend jobs with several local bands. I first got interested in the steel in the mid to late 70's - listening to mostly west coast players such as Rusty Young, Al Perkins, Buddy Cage, Sneaky Pete, Ben Keith, Dan Dugmore - and also Toy Caldwell and John Call. My involvement with music began with playing standard guitar in the 70's, eventually working in country rock bands. The first time I heard the sound of a steel guitar on a Poco album, I really didn't like it - it wasn't Rusty Young's playing - I was just used to hearing more harder edged sounds. Soon though, I found myself checking the musicians credits on records for pedal steel, and the sound started to grow on me. I purchased a Sho-bud Maverick in late 1979, but it took a year or so before I started spending more time working on steel than guitar. In 1981 I ordered a brand new Dekley - set up with the 12 string E9th/B6th universal tuning and I've been working at figuring this thing out ever since. I've been using a Zumsteel guitar for the past couple of years after retiring my Dekley. My intent with this page is to provide steel guitar related info, tablature, construction projects and favorite links as time allows.

This page is currently under construction - Please check back for new updates!

Song Tablature
Blues/Rock Phrases
Construction Articles
Steel Guitar and Music Links

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