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Enter below...after reading the house rules

Dauphin, Raven, and Chance bid you welcome to the Moombeam Saloon.

Come on inside and meet the Ladies of the Night and our staff.

A little background history about our establishment

    Established in 1849, by Miss Dauphin, the Moonbeam Saloon has evolved from a run-down general store to a thriving "Gentlemen's Club" for the elite.

    Setting foot within our walls, you will immediately be greeted by Dauphin, Raven, or Chance..The Ladies of the Night.

    Moonbeam will make you feel right at home by getting you the drink of your choice from our well stocked bar. She will also introduce you to one of the girls, if you do not already have a favorite.

    If you will look over to the left, you will see a poker game already in progress. Please feel free to join in. If you prefer a different game of chance, just let one of our dealers know.

    Ahhh, I see that there is a twinkle in your eye. You must have your sight on one of our lovely ladies. All of our girls are here to give you pleasure. There are several rooms upstairs at your disposal, please feel free to make use of them. However, you must adhere to our house rules.

House Rules

    • Please bathe at the bath house down the street before visiting our establishment. We do not want to smell you before seeing you.

    • Please leave your weapons at the front door with Wind Dancer (our bouncer) or with Miss Dauphin.

    • Our girls are here to satisfy your desires. HOWEVER, physical harm, to our ladies, will NOT be tolerated.

    • Please scratch your name on our bedpost (in other words, sign our guest book!!)

If you cannot abide by our rules, or feel that this is not the establishment for you, Wind Dancer would be happy to point out the disease infested whore house down the street.

The Moonbeam Saloon and the LOTN were created in fun; yet, there are important and very serious issues that we need to address. PLEASE visit our "Making ourselves Heard" page to learn more about these issues.

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