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This site is dedicated to the preservation of Confederate History, which it seems a lot of people in our country are so apt to destroy. I am currently submitting my application to the Alabama Headquarters Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. I dedicate this site to my Ancestor, W.C. Beavers. He was a member of the 41st Alabama, Company F.
Confederate Generals and Political Leaders. God Bless our Heroes.
War For What? (Submitted to this Website)
Montgomery Alabama
Above is a picture of the residents of Montgomery, Alabama, giving their support to the new provisional President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. Montgomery was the first capitol of the Confederacy, before it was moved to Richmond, Virginia.
Alabama gets its name from the Alibamon indians. They were a member of the Creek Confederacy of Indians. It joined the United States, as the 22nd state, on the 4th of December, 1822. It is called "The Heart of Dixie", due to its geographical location in the center of the South. Alabama seceded from the Union early in 1861, becoming one of the founding members of the Confederate States of America.
Alabama wasn't the site of many major battles during the Civil War. It was however subjected to several Yankee raids, which were mostly Cavalry raids. The battle of Mobile Bay was the biggest battle fought in Alabama, and it was mostly a Naval battle. The Union Admiral Farrogat attacked the forts in Mobile Bay on August the 5th, 1864. He entered the bay with 4 ironclads and 14 wooden ships. One of his ironclads, the Tecumseh, was sank immediatly upon entering the bay. One his other ironclads made it into a safer area of the bay, however, and partly disabled the fort. At this point, the rest of Admiral Farrogat's fleet entered the bay, and engaged in battle with the forts, and the Confederate ironclad, Tennessee. The Tennessee fought hard for a while, and then retreated under the forts for some minor repairs. It soon returned to the battle, and surrendered at 10am, 4 hours after the beginning of the battle. Several days later the forts of Mobile Bay surrendered to Admiral Farrogat, but the city itself didn't surrender until April of 1865.
Here is another page I found, that deals with the Battle of Mobile Bay.
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I am hosting a monthly contest on my page for the most well written WBTS/Confederate Story. I want everyone who views my page to try and take the time to write me a story. I will post all entries. If the submissions are low, there will be one posted each month. If they are high, I will set up a seperate page, and submit them all for everyone who visits my site to read. Please add your name and email address with your submissions, so the readers of my page can contact you for comments. I think this will be a great forum for the expression of each of your personal views. This page is linked to several prominate WBTS sites, and recieves a lot of hits, so you will be read by a lot of like minded people. I am looking forward to hearing from each and every one of you.
Confederately Yours,
Phillip Jackson Wilson
I am ready to Submit a Story Now!
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