Welcome to the layer of darkness where I'am from!!!
Your walking though the woods it's getting
dark and the shadows are beging to form around the trees. You get the feeling you have never been her before, But you know this area well after you conclude that it must be because of the dark you start to get parinod feeling. You look behind you and see that there is a big Pine tree there and a dark shadow. You pull out your sword and get ready to defind yourself. Then the shadow is gone... Was it really there or did you imagin it? You start to let your deffences down and then you take a couple of steps and you see the shadow again it's more clearer this time. You can see
a human shape to it that's about 6'3" dark hair. you can't quite make out the eyes yet.. you yell out. "Who's there?" but you don't hear anything and then the shadow is gone. Your looking franticaly for the being but can't see him. All of a sudden you look behind you and you see your sword about 5 feet from you.. then you look in your hand and your holding a human leg bone. You drop it at once and go for your sword but it disapears. Then you look around and see that your in a little hut of some sort with that same shadow looking over you. but now you look in to his eyes and all you see is yellow eyes with a red firey glow inside of them. Then a voice says. " I mean you no harm enless you try harm on me or my Family." Your dazed you ask him "who is your family?" and he reply's "the forest, vampirella, and others". you start to get worried so you go to leave. You take a step but your leg don't feel right. You look down and see that your sword is your new leg and your leg is in your sword sheath. You turn to ask what happend and you are back in the part of the woods under a big Pine tree. And a voice from the shadows says"this time was just a worning next time I don't Play" and your leg is back together and you are found in you bed safe at home. At least you think..... hahahaha
Time Now Is:
Wednesday, December 09,1998 @ 09:31:38 EDT