School's back in session and the kids have gotten off to a great start. Mycah's in the second grade this year and Vanna's doing the preschool thing. Scouts started back up this week and we're in that full force, with Scott being the assistant pack master and me being the den leader for Mycah's Wolf den. We'll be getting ready for the holidays before we know it and after that we're planning a trip to Florida with family and friends. Check out this page in the next month or so and we'll hopefully have pictures of our new house up for all to see. I'm adding a link in the center of this page for links to my other sites, including my myspace page and my Partylite candles website. We're hoping to get a page together for our Cub Scout Pack and then family and friends will get to see what we're up to too. I'll let you know when that's up and running. |