pedal steel guitar


henning kock

Updated May 12, 2008"

Look at bottom of page
for my collection of pedal steel guitars
and guitars.

Henning Kock
Aarhusvej 111
8300 Odder

telephone (+045) 8654 2959


pedal steel guitar

and for my piano playing:

also: search on my name on

Click here

to see a list of recordings
I played pedal steel guitar,
and piano on

I have been playing pedal steel guitar since 1971, and have played in
recording studios on more than 85 commercial productions.

Since 1985 I have sold more than 115 new economy model Zumsteel Stage One
to music dealers, and also more than 30 used double-10 and 10 used single-10.

I visited U.S.A 6 times and took lessons on pedal steel guitar and piano:
1971: New York, Philadelphia, Nashville
1982: New York, Philadelphia, St.Louis, Nashville, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, San Diego
1985: Minneapolis, St. Louis, Nashville
1992: Halifax-Canada, New York, Fredricksburg, Tampa, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, St. Louis, Chicago
1996: Nashville, St. Louis
2005: Nashville, Branson, St. Louis

In 1992 I recieved The Appreciation Award from Scottys International Steel Guitar Convention in St. Louis.

On this link you can
find links to almost
anything about
steel guitars and
accessories, and also
the "Steel Guitar Forum",
where you can ask
questions and get answers:

If you only had one link -

thats`it ! ! ! Here you will find

all information in the world 

about steel guitar

and its music. ! ! !

Here are more good links
showing the way to other
builders and instructors:


Be listed free on the world wide steel guitarist directory:

The Worldwide
Steel Guitarist Directory:

Scandinavian Country Club
has a big country music festival
the second weekend of August every year in Silkeborg, Denmark


I have written a course:

"Steelin´In The Dark" & Red River Valley"

which can be ordered from any steel guitar dealer all over the world for US$18.00.
It is written in english, and has tablature as well as music notation in it. Included with
the book is a cassette tape with the steel guitar part, the backing, and both
combined together.
It contains a lick library of 36 good Nashville licks from the golden age (1960-ties).
These licks are then finally put together in the 2 songs.
"Steelin´In The Dark" is my own composition (by the way it can be played over the
same chords as "Crying My Heart Out Over You". The rhythm is shuffle. I chose
"Red River Valley" because it is known the world over.The rhythm is a medium slow 4/4.


I have many favorite pedal steel guitar players,
but if I had to name only one it would be Lloyd Green.

The photo above was taken at Jeff Newmans Jeffran College in Nashville,
where I attended a class for one week in July 1992.
Surprise!!! One morning Lloyd Green came in !!! to rehearse his songs for the
upcoming Scottys International Steel Guitar Convention in St. Louis
in September.
Backing musicians were John Stacey on drums, Billy Linnemann on bass
and Jeff Newman on guitar. This was a special Saturday morning. How many
people have had the experience of listening to and seeing Lloyd play in such
a setting.
Many of the songs were Lloyds new compositions played in his 1990´ties style
or his - new sound and style - as I call it, which is even more beatiful, inventive and fluid
than before. We were all amazed this morning. He just plays better and better
as the years comes and goes. He still does not lower the E 4th string,
and he still has a .022 wound string for his G sharp 6th string.
Lloyd really works for long periods of time in his music room at home on
composing steel guitar music, experimenting with melody phrases, what string
combinations, what pedals or bar slants, what slides, and whether a lick is best
played on a plain or a wound string. Also, if a knee lever movement or a forward
or reverse bar slant will give the most unified, seamless playing. Mostly all licks
can be played at 4 or 5 different positions on the pedal steel guitar, but licks
should be wound together to melody lines - not just licks, he emphasizes.

When he composes he go through many different ways to play a melody line
so it is clean and still is saying what he want it to say - and transmit his
feelings to the listener.

- - - By the way isnt´ it about time for an appreciation website for Lloyd?
Who will do it? * * * NEWS NEWS. The website by Walter Stettner is here now. See * * *

Here is my present collection professional pedal steel guitars.

The collection is not permanent, sometimes I exchange a pedal steel guitar
to another brand or model. At present time the collection is:

D-10 Zumsteel, Rosewood Formica,
D-10 JCH, Rosewood Formica,
D-10 Emmons LeGrande, Black Formica.

S-10 ShoBud,green lacquer
S-10 ShoBud, blue turquise lacquer
S-10 DB Emmons Legrande II

D-10 Zumsteel, Rosewood Formica.

Part of my instrument collection:

Zumsteel Double-10, Dobro D-60, Fender 1963 Stratocaster  Turquise Metallic,
Fender Bass6 Sunburst, Fender Precision  Bass 1972  Red,  Fender Lap Steel, Gibson 1966 LG-1,
