
Welcome to the Jungle

A big GRAWL to you for checking in on ol' tiger. If you haven't guessed my biggest interest is in Tigers ....I believe we all have brought them to almost extinction. However, I do have many other interests, like country western dancing, travel and meeting new friends. My name is tiger72™, you can find me every once in a while at one of the Chatrooms online. I love to waltz, but also two-step, chacha, polka, some line dances, round dance and willing to learn more. I love to travel, I try to go somewhere different each year, but find myself longing to return to some of the places I've been to in the past. I have met several wonderful ladies and gentlemen, in person from time to time, from the chatrooms, even went to Nashville, Tennessee in October 1997 and met with twenty-two others, photos are linked below. I hope you enjoy this page, please check all of the links, and remember the tiger!

I would like to thank Terece and Bob Lewis (Tigerlilies) for sending me the poem below written by William Blake, and for their beautiful work of surrounding it with tiger's. See you on eBay.

My favorite Tiger sites on the Web

Tiger Eyes

The Tiger Information Center

National Geographic

The Wildlife Waystation

16 new pieces of artwork as of 3/10/98

West Sabine High School
Pineland Texas

Tiger 72's Favorite Country Stars

Tiger's JukeBox

Go listen to a few midi's

Ever wonder where ol' tig likes to eat,
click and see for yourself

Come chat with me

Thanks for visiting this page, hope to update from time to time,
until then, I hope to run across you somewhere on line in a chat room, if you have a favorite, email me and I will come meet you.

Please sign my guest book!!

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Guestbook by Lpage

Come see all the good folks I have met from the internet.

This is ol' tiger72

These are my sons


Joush with Rachel

Drop me a line sometime!!

© 1997 tiger@lcc.net

Please return often!!

My Awards

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