Linder and Brock with The City To City Band have returned to Washington for their summer tour. I was able to attend their shows in Ferndale. Once again the group continued to amaze me. I'm not sure where to start. I guess all I can say is that I loved the new songs, Stephanie's maturing voice is awesome. I liked how Paul,the new drummer,interacted with the rest of the group, and I loved his drums. Bruce's guitar playing was hotter then ever and then there was Steve's new look! Oh man! You have got to come out and see why this group is packing the house.

Linder and Brock is one of the hottest little bands ever to come out of Dallas, Texas.

Founded by Steve Linder and Bruce Brock, this band has one of the best hot country sounds as well as playing classic rock. The band also includes vocalist Stephanie Green and drummer Paul Cantrell. These four talented individuals play often in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, but can be found in other states as well. The Pacific Northwest state of Washington has become like a second home for them.

Linder & Brock recorded their 3rd CD, in early 1997,

"Happy Together"

since the group was formed in 1995. The first is titled "Working For A Living" and has many classic tunes on it as well as some current country hits from that year. The second is simply titled "Linder & Brock" and has all original tunes on it. The band proves that they can play a great mix of music, everything from the sad ballad "When The Vows Break" to the gospel like sounding "Good Loving in a Real Bad Way", from the inspirational "Fear Nothing" to a local Northwest favorite "I've Up'd My Standards (so up your's, too)". Let's not forget the romantic "Falling For You" either. Linder & Brock have also released a compilation tape of tunes from their days as Bogart.

Linder & Brock play in nightclubs, taverns, fairs, and benefits, as well as private parties. Recently they were picked as the "first call band" for Southfork Ranch in Texas. They are great entertainers with ready smiles and an array of personal stories that make you smile or tug at your heart. All 4 members love their fans from the smallest child to grandparents and never fail to attempt to make some sort of contact with them. Which is a major reason that the Washington area alone boasts over 200 members today.

Linder & Brock give back to the communities that support the band, something not many bands can claim. They can be found on occasion, when in Washington state, answering phones at the local PBS Television pledge drive or picking up trash alongside the highway that their fan club has adopted. They also perform for D.A.R.E. in two Communities of Arizona.

You can get more information on the band by calling their Dallas hotline at (817)640-9990. If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area call Young Country 105.3 at (214)787-1053 and ask them to play "When The Vow's Break".

Music Influences

Concert Schedule

Steve's Bio

Bruce's Bio

Stephanie's Bio

Paul's Bio

Last updatedAugust 3,1999 by Leisa Farquhar AKA in chat as Prayer For Love. Please note that all songs are in Real Audio form and are full length. All of them have been put on this page with the acknowledgement and permission of Linder & Brock.

For Merchandise information, or if you have a picture, or something else you'd like to share with others through this page, please contact me by clicking on my name below. :)

This page is created by Leisa Farquhar, (with photos, scanning, Real Audio and proofreading by) Cindy and Lauren Creech (at The Comp Dok), and Kathi Trostad with all our love and support for Stephanie, Steve, Bruce, and Paul!

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