The 49th Precinct


Park Your Wheel Out Front

Hi there and welcome to my homepage. My name is Jacob and I live in the greater Kansas City area in Missouri. I am a Deputy Sheriff for Jackson County. I am Road Patrol Officer, Wheel Officer and a Accident Reconstructionist for the department. As a Accident Reconstructionist I investigate Traffic Crashes, Fatal Crashes including Train Crashes. And then I reconstruct the the accident. I am a member of the Fraternal Order Of Police. I belong to Lodge #50 a four county regional lodge. I am the Vice President of Jackson County for the FOP. I'm married to a beautiful woman known as Aubrey on the Net. I would like to thank her for her help with this page.

Links to other sites on the Web

Why K.C. Area Cops Don't Eat Donuts!
Police Pages
Memorial to Law Enforcement
AirForce Security Police
A Piece Of America Died

Some of my interests are: Fishing, Kite Flying, Motorcycle Riding, Horse Back Riding, Dining, Travel and Restoring old houses. I hang out at the Law Enforcement Chatroom on the WBS system. My handle is JCSD49, stop on in and say hello. You don't have to be a cop to hang out. I also have Pow Wow and ICQ ...if you don't have it, I suggest you get it. Drop by again, I'm always adding something. Thank you for stopping by. Please drop me a line to say hello or better yet sign my guestbook. And feel free to give me any comments or suggestions you may have for this page.
Here is a pic of me and the beautiful *S* Aubrey.

© 1997

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