Shannon's e-Junkyard of pics


Joke of the month: How to stop a raging bull

My beautiful trip to M'sia & S'pore
4am at Changi Airport Starbucks
Dinner at Bugis Junction with MSO members
Drinking at Ah Fatt's flat @ 2am
Mandy and Family, Parkway Parade
Mandy and Family, Parkway Parade(2)
Leaving for the airport @3am in Ah Fatt's pickup
Who's rounder? At Ah Fatt's Flat
Rebecca,May,Ah Yee & U.Johnny
Rebecca & May
The trio with Belaian Jiwa
Bruce & I, Sheraton Subang Lobby
Thai luncheon with the Tangs
An aspiring bodybuilder
Cousins Unite
Cousins Unite2
Karaoke at Adrian's
John with Pachabel's Canon in D
The sistas in crime
Ah Mah & I
Stephanie listening to James & Dot

The road trip to Niagara & Toronto
Shannon,Jenny & Lawrence at the Erie Canal Locks
Jenny, Lawrence & Shannon at the Erie Canal Locks
The 7th Natural Wonder - The Niagara Falls
No, we're not in India. Still in Niagara Falls
Men in Blue - We're AT the Falls! (We're constantly being followed by this press photographer. No kidding!...Vino, the man!
Some upperclass residential area in Ontario, Canada
Fort Niagara, USA
Fort Niagara(2)
Fort Niagara(3)
The highlight of the trip to Toronto
The locks on Erie Canal & Niagara On The Lake
Toronto Chinatown

My family in Little Italy
Me and Ms.Roma June 28,2000
All Of Us
My passion for Toyotas...the over-engineered driving machines
MR2 in action
Front View1
Front View2
Rear View
Side View
Supra in action

Pictures With Relatives...Dec 1999
After some good Dim Sum
Dim Sum with relatives
The 3 Stooges

My first skiing experience.Greek Peak,NY.Jan 29/2000
On the way to Greek Peak, Cortland
We're almost there
Night Skiing
Ski slopes
Ski slopes2

A nearby residential area on a hill
The drive up the hill
Another scene going up
ISn't this beautiful?
Tons of snow
Snow field
Snow field2

Some other candid shots
Coffee with ma lady
Crunch time
Ian and Dylan
Antique shoppe

Pictures taken in New York/City X'mas 1999
Dim Sum with Dylan & his family
1am at the Korean Cafe
Dylan with the fruit platter,Jap restaurant
Dylan's mum & I at the Jap restaurant
Angel's treat at the Jap. rest.
Dylan and I in Central Park
G.Washington Bridge
Magnificent architecture
Rockefella Centre
Lepaking in Grand Central Station
M'sian extravaganza...Nonya Restaurant
Sotong kering,Chinatown-Manhattan
The subway
Times Square
Waiting 4 the ladies to finish shopping
Ian & Leslie in Macy's, Manhattan
Ian & I in Soho
Trying to keep warm with some wine
On board train 1
On board train 2
Penang Restaurant,Flushing Chinatown
In the subway station
Shopping in Manhattan 1
Shopping in Manhattan 2
Stomach upset?
Dylan trying out new pants
Dylan posing
Dylan's room
Emporio Armani
Ian & Dylan at the H.Davidson store,Manhattan

On the way to NYC & the town of Endicott
wanna see the Yankees?
I thought stones were hitting my was salt from this truck salting the Interstate
Jakuns would go all out to snap the lightest of snow
Taking a break in Pennsylvania
Arriving Endicott
My bedroom 1
My bedroom 2
My Kitchen
IBM main bldg-The Heritage Circle, Endicott NY
Another of the many IBM bldgs
Ian relaxing in Endicott
It's sub 0 in Endicott
Y2K preparation,K-mart Endicott
Man Yen,Leslie & Ian. On the way from Baton Rouge
Man Shen by X'mas tree
Man Shen & I
The Tangs waving
Tang's van

Our very first excursion...The BC Iceman hockey at the Arena
in Binghamton, NY, Jan 12/00
My pics at work
BC Iceman hockey game
hockey game
Cynthis & I
IBMers at the game
Melissa & Tammy

See, mommy taught me this!

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Angie & Shannon's Engagement Dinner 070202
Angie & Shannon's Engagement Dinner
Empress Restaurant, Sheraton Subang, Malaysia, February 2, 2002

Yee-sang with boys side
Yee-sang with boys side2
Yee-sang with girls side
Yee-sang with girls side2
Margaret, Shirley, Mike, and Gordon, eating Yee Sang
With Adrian and Esther
With Mei Ying & Johnny
Mei Ying, Johnny, Jenny & Philip toasting
Mei Ying, Johnny, Jenny & Philip toasting2
Angie inserting ring on Shannon
Shannon inserting ring on Angie
Shannon inserting ring on Angie2
Angie inserting ring on Shannon2
Angie & Shannon with ring
Angie kissing Shannon
"Loh-ing" Yee-sang with boys side
Photo with Angie's family
Photo with Angie's family2
Angie & Shannon by koi pond
Angie & Shannon by koi pond2
Angie & Shannon with Bruce
Angie & Shannon exchanging a toast
Angie & Shannon exchanging a toast2
With Gordon, Eve, Lina & Roslan
With Linda, Tony, Jenny & Serena
Angie & Shannon by Yee Sang booth
Evelyn & Lina
With everybody outside Empress Restaurant
With everybody outside Empress Restaurant2
With everybody outside Empress Restaurant3
With parents from both sides, Evelyn & Gordon
With parents from both sides, Evelyn & Gordon2
With everyone from boys side
With everyone from boys side2
With Gordon & Evelyn
With Gordon & Evelyn2
Gordon, Eve, Lina & Roslan eating Yee Sang
With Mum & Dad
With Mum & Pup
With Mum & Pup2
With Mum & Pup3
Shannon feeding Angie with premium Yee Sang
Shannon feeding Angie with premium Yee Sang2
Shannon giving Angie a peck
Showing the ring to Ah-Yee
Angie pulling Shannon's ear?
Evelyn giving big sis a peck
Showing mum the ring
Showing mum the ring2
Gordon giving big sis a peck
At the main lobby
At the main lobby2
Dad giving angpow
Dad kissing daughter
Dad admiring the ring
Mum looking at the ring
Pup admiring the ring
Thai Khoo admiring the ring
Picture with Gordon