
Jackie's Homepage

Hi, and welcome to my homepage! You will have to bear with me as I am teaching myself how to do this, and so far I think I am doing OK. First, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 39 year old mother of two, Sarah,13, and Christopher,11. I am happily married to my husband, John, of almost 17 years. My hobbies include, reading, gardening (fanatical), landscaping ( I am currently doing a course), playing scrabble, and of course mucking around with the computer and teaching myself stuff. We lived in Hong Kong for two years, but you will have to read about this at another stage. We live in Sydney Australia, and my husband is English, and I am originally from New Zealand.

Please do not steal graphics from my pages. Obey the 11th commandment
and give credit where credit is due. Visit my
credits page if you would
like to borrow any graphics. Thank you.

  About Me and Mine
Meet my Family

  Beautiful Sydney
Home of the 2000 Olympic Games. Be prepared to spend a lot of time here. And if any of you want additional information about Sydney, Australia, please feel free to email me!

Go here if you like any graphics on my pages

     Favourite On Line Games
These are neat! Play online by yourself or interactively!

  My Games Page
Java script Games you can play right here. Don't forget to bookmark!

Gardening Links and Hints
( Currently still under construction)
Go here for My favourite gardening links and My own hints on how to grow certain plants. Updated regularly ( Well with any luck! LOL!)

NEW!!!! A Growing Guide for Bulbs and Flowers

  Hong Kong
(currently still under construction)
For information on being an expatriate in Hong Kong

  Learn HTML and more
This is where I learnt the basics, and not by using a wizard either.
This stuff is from scratch!

My Collection

NEW!!!! Modelling for Children
as of 21 September, 2000.
My daughter Sarah was a model when she was 2/3 years old. Go here to view her Gallery, and to learn about the hardships and blessings of child modelling. Yes, my daughter is still alive! This page is dedicated to the
memory of Jon-Benet Ramsey.

  My Online Friend's Homepages

Under construction
Wow! just go!


under construction

My Secret Garden

Go here for looks into my garden, some viewed by my faithful poodle Jay Jay!


Under construction
Some of my favourite French recipes.....more coming later!

  Web Rings

Awards I have won!

  Gifts I've received!

My Treasure Hunt Awards

The Music You are listening to is Chopin's Nocturne #2.

For some reason this guestbook is not working. So please sign my new guestbook, added June 2nd, 2001.




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Visitor since 7th November,1999

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site is owned by Jackie.
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Unfortunately this web ring does not exist anymore.

Unfortunately, Lady Jen Does not have these graphics anymore.

Little Parrot from Charlie's World

Animated Hummingbird's from:
If any one knows could you please let me know. Thanks.

This site designed with
a little help from:

HTML authoring tutorials

Applets by Fabio Ciucci