Welcome to Chris' Piece of the Web  

Welcome to Chris' Piece of the Web

Thanks for stopping by. This site is simply a little introduction and a few things about me. My name is Chris Mills and I live in Masterton, New Zealand. I am 39 years old and run my own hair salon. My wife and I also operate a mobile ice cream business "Mama Delishimo's" which we take to various events around the region during the summer. I am a Councillor with the Masterton District Council. I have many hobbies and interests, including Harlequin Theatre, of which I am currently President, playing Bridge and music. I have studied singing for 12 years and am currently involved with taking the St Patricks Choir. We are going to be performing a Mass that I have written for this year's Christmas celebration. My wife and I have a couple of cats, Charlie and Elle. Here is a photo of Charlie:

This is a photo of (from left) my Mum, Deb's Dad, my Dad and Deb taken on Father's Day, September 1999


I have been a bridge player for about 15 years, although in the last two or three years other commitments have meant that I have not played so often. With the Internet I do get to play a little more frequently at This is a FREE service unlike some of the other online bridge clubs and there are some very good players to be found there.


I have also had a 15-year involvement with Harlequin Theatre in Masterton. I have been a member of the committee for much of this time and am now President. We are currently planning a $140,000 extension to the front of the building, which will give us the space to run a cafe/bar for our patrons. This will bring the total value of the building to well in excess of $500,000 - not bad for a group of amateurs!!
I have acted in many shows, but the favourites that I well remember are "Dancing at Lughnasa", a stage version of the TV show "Allo, Allo" and "Can't Pay, Won't Pay".
I have also directed several plays, including "No Sex Please... We're British" (which currently holds the theatre record for the biggest box office) , the New Zealand Premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber's one woman musical "Tell Me On A Sunday" and probably my favourite play to direct "The Woman in Black".
At this time Harlequin doesn't yet have a Web Site but that is something I hope to see up and running within the next few months.


I have always held a special love for music and started playing the piano when I was 8. In my twenties I began studying singing with Louise Gilmour and completed my Trinity College exams through to Grade 8. I still would like to complete my LTCL although the time required poses a problem. For my birthday in 1998 Deb gave me a CD-ROM for music notation and I set about composing a new Mass. There are seven works in all: a Confiteor, Kyrie, Gloria, Alleluia, Sanctus, amen and Agnus Dei. I am currently conducting the St Patricks Choir and we are learning this Mass to sing at Midnight this Christmas. If anyone is interested in performing this Mass, then email me and we can discuss it further.

Finally, one of the hobbies I enjoy the most is pipe smoking. After all the Hurley burley of a busy day there is nothing more calming or enjoyable than relaxing with a pipe. There are some very good online resources for pipe smokers and I have listed a couple of links below that are a good starting point.

Pipe smokers at Yahoo

A New Zealand pipe smokers club