This is the domain of d_fallak, otherwise known as General 7D. It'll be growing more and more often, so why don't ya take a look around?


Links Section

Click here to go to Tim and Dev's Site!

If you have any suggestions for the site, or just want to have a friendly conversation, please e-mail me at
I really appreciate it, in fact I really need suggestions to keep me interested in working on this site! So don't be afraid to drop me a line.


So where on the site do you want to go? You can visit:


My Programming Page..........................................................Learn how to program in DJGPP, and make games!
My HTML Tutorial...............................................................My new HTML tutorial is here!
My Food Page......................................................................Want some recipes? Bon Appetit!
My Emulation Page...............................................................I have some stuff worth looking at.
Unreal...............................................................This is a wicked program I found on the Net - take a look!