Welcome to the Mead Masters Home Page

Hi I'm Mike pretending to be the mead_master.

Links to other sites on the Web

Visit my FERMATORIUM Internet launch pad for more fermentation related links and information.

Yahoo Mead club site

Yahoo Cider club site

On October 10, 1998, I gathered with about a dozen members of my Homebrew club, The Brew Angels to make some wine. We purchased and crushed 800 lbs. of Chardonnay grapes for a barrel fermentation. Check out the pictures from the links below. Thanks to Larry Johnson for providing the photos, as the autofocus on my camera failed, and most of the images focused on the wrong plane.

The Barrel.

The Press

Grower and Winemaker

The grapes and the crush.

More crush

The extra must for topping.

Clean up

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