Ed Davidoff's Aussie Beercan Page
Hi, I'm Ed Davidoff.
I live in a suburb of Sydney, Australia.
The Sydney Opera House
This is a site devoted to my hobby
of Beercan Collecting.
I am a member of the Australian Beer Can
Collectors Association (#1813) and the Beer Can Collectors of America (#31113).
I started collecting beer cans in 1985,
but only got serious about it in about 1994.
My collection now has over 5500 cans
from 98 countries.
I'm always looking for new people to trade
with, so check out my site and contact me if you'd like to work out a trade.
You can always see images of the newest
Australian cans at this site.

Beercan Collecting
Here you can read about Australia's only
Coca Cola issued a series of ten special
cans for the Sydney 2000 Olympics, featuring the three Olympic mascots
performing in different sports. I don't collect Coke myself, but I have
several sets to trade. If anybody wants one, let me know.
Here you can check out a few beercan
collecting links.

Some links to Australian beer pages
(nothing to do with cans):
Great Aussie Beer Page
Unofficial CUB Page

Some Other Interesting Links
Wise's World Paper Money Homepage. This page features images of his
collection of banknotes from all over the world.
Stuff Works. How Stuff Works.
Links to the official post office pages of most of the countries of the
of Monsters, Mythical Creatures and Fabulous Beasts. Just what it says.
United States Mint 50 State Quarters Program. Details of the Mint's
program to issue a different 25-cent piece for each of the 50 states.
Split. I always thought that files too large to fit on a floppy disk,
even when zipped, could not be backed-up on floppies, or moved between
computers using floppies. Then I found out, while surfing the 'Net, that
there are any number of programs available that will split files into smaller
pieces. I tried a few, and Let's Split is the easiest to use, and it works.
I recently moved a 10,000 kB file between computers by splitting it into
8 pieces, transferring using floppies, then reassembling the file in the
new computer. It works!
Statesmen Since 1760. A comprehensive list of leaders of the world
from 1760 to 2000. And more - large maps, national anthems, flags, even
texts of the constitutions of all (?) the countries of the world.
Click on this button and you will see a
picture of my dog Gemma as a pup.
E-Mail: edavidof@bigfoot.com