WELCOME to the


Our home is in New Hampshire .. but our hearts are still back home....
...........................in Berkeley  and SanFrancisco....
 We  welcome our visitors to see what we have been up to over the past several months

Contact us at: moyernh@comcast.net

Lauren, Alycia, Carol and Brian ~ Lauren's 21st B-Day in NYC ~ August 16th

Check out our latest WINTERPAGE. and Cross-CountrySkiing Page
and see what New Hampshire looks like

In memorium
Brian’s parents Shirley and Harold
November 29, 1917 – July 5,2001 &  April 16, 1912 - September 24, 2001

Married 56 years

Served in France and Germany '44-'46;  The PurpleHeart, twoSilverStar medals, WWII medal and Conduct medal


Brian's Corner......

Carol's Corner......

Brian is the Director of Clinical Sciences for a consulting firm called Certus International, Inc. in Bedford, NH, our home town. He is working with many different drug companies helping them direct their clinical trials that include medical imaging like MRI, PET, SPECT, ultrasound, x-ray angiography, CT and, of course, nuclear medicine.

He left EPIX Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge MA in August after filing their first MRI imaging drug with the FDA. The drug is called MS-325 and images the blood vessels for narrowing, obstructions and other anomalies. Brian will be presenting a talk at the 2005 National Biotechnology Conference in San Francisco next June on"Imaging Pharmacology in Biotherapeutic Drug Development".

Brian will have 5 DRUGS approved by the FDA when MS-325 is approved in 2005.  A rare accomplishment.

Brian also continues with the Rotary Club as their Webmaster


and as their Co-Race Director with Bill Gere

 for the New England 12K Championship running race http://www.rotarybedfordnh.com/brmrr.html

Brian's own Page CLICK HERE

Carol left her job at the Graduate School of Business at Southern New Hampshire University to pursue lots of home tasks that have been on the "back burner".  She continues to go on those long exercise walks with her friends and she has begun a new athletic endeavor.... Golf! .  Her focus right now is on getting our two senior girls to their graduations! 


Carol with Alycia

Carol's e-mail:  carolmnh@hotmail.com

Carol's own Page CLICK HERE


Lauren's Corner..........
Lauren, a senior at Trinity College in CT majoring in Political Science. She isalso on the softball team and last season, despite a season ending injury, batted 0.300.  She is very interested in dance and is taking classes in ballet and even an African dance class and loves it.  She is looking at the Peace Corps or possibly law school after she graduates in May.


Go Bantams!!!

Lauren scores for Trinity and returns to the team bench

Lauren's e-mail:  lauren.moyer@trincoll.edu

Click here for Lauren'sHome Page

Alycia's Corner..........
Alycia is a senior at Bishop Brady High School in Concord NH this year, loves to play basketball and is very interested in pursuing college in Criminal Justice.   She is co-editor to the yearbook, directs the weekly student presentation at Assembly and is secretary to the Spanish Club. 

Alycia ready for a Spring Ball

Alycia's e-mail is swtnss14@hotmail.com

Click here for ALYCIA'SHOME PAGE


  Pictures of our Family, ExtendedFamilyandourVacations  2004  ~~  Extras   ~~  Family  ~~  Aruba  ~~  Florida

Last updated:   November 29, 2004