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Best Steak's Place
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My son John with his go kart. we raced one season. He finished 3rd in the points.
Welcome to the Duncan Family's Web Page. Tim, Lynn, John, Hunter and the family pet Rascal welcomes you to come on in and browse around. We own Betty's Parkway Restaurant & Betty's Best L.L.C. We created this site to share pictures and fun moments and great links, with other people on the web. We hope you enjoy visiting our web page. We even have a message board. Leave us a message to let us know what you think or just to chit chat.   
Special Thanks to Robert Orr Sysco, who made the entire trip free and fun.
June 28, 2003 Aboard the Royal Caribbean's
Majesty of the Seas
Sterling Marlin at the TN River enjoying a game of horse shoes.

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On-Line Racing Links
Another one of my favorite places on the web to find VRL information.
Best Marinade on the Planet !
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