Call in at the latest addition - CanningAfrica, my wife Rosalie's website for Canning enthusiasts ! Full of useful information, products and suppliers !

The Art of Preserving

To  make  your own   Preserves  and Condiments is a delicious, back to nature experience and you know exactly what is going into your jars. Fruit  and vegetables in season give the best  flavors and colors and are the best  buys ( unless of course you grow your own ). Always remember that smaller quantities of fruit or vegetables are more controllable and easier to work with.

Are you looking for a book on preserves or Jam making ? Take a look here at these beautiful books ! There are so many to choose from for that perfect present !

This website last updated

Monday, August 29, 2005

Preserving in the home has made a revival over the last ten years or so, and people are realizing that making their own preserves and condiments is well worth the time and effort involved. Since my Grandmothers' day, however, many labor saving devices in our kitchens have greatly reduced the amount of effort required and only enhanced the pleasurable aspect of this old fashioned skill. I must admit that I have a passion for making Jams, Pickles and Chutney.

The Art of Preserving

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Recipes_za compiled and maintained by Mike Acornley, Webmaster.


Hints Jams Jellies Marmalade Crystallized Pickles Chutney Relish Vinegars Sauces
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