Make Your Own Homemade Bread
by Melanie

Have you ever walked into someone's house and smelled the wonderful smell of bread baking in the oven? It's a smell that says YOU'RE HOME! It is a delightful smell that makes your senses go wild with desire to sink your teeth into a piece when it first comes out of the oven. First you get the butter and maybe some peach preserves and sit down to wait for it to be ready to eat. There isn't any substitute for homemade bread. Many food companies have tried to put it in a can or freeze it so that you can have it without the work but it's just not the same.
This web page is an effort to encourage you to try baking bread on your own. The rewards far outweigh the efforts that you will spend. Your family will love it (and so will anyone else that you share with). It will boost your self-confidence and its a sure way to make friends - give them a loaf of your bread.
It really isn't difficult at all.
Try these easy recipes:
- Biscuits
- Sour Cream Cornbread
These are yeast breads:
- Potato Rolls
- French Bread
- Oatmeal Honey Wheat Bread
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