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Description & Guidelines
red can
Soda Pop Ring links Soda sites together for ease of surfing. There are many collectors pages as well as pages that are simply a dedication to an individual's love/addiction to their chosen soft drink.
To be accepted into this ring your page must follow these guidelines:
Absolutely NO Pepsi products sites
The page that you link to must have the Soda Pop Ring Code on it
Your page must be
Your page must comply with all legal aspects of advertising laws
The Ring Administrator reserves the right to remove or refuse any sites that are deemed in violation of any of these guidelines. An eMail notice will be sent outlining the concerns and failure to respond to requests or refusal to change the site will mean being removed from the Ring.
Step 1:
Add Site To Ring Queue
(this must be done first to get the ring code in an email).
Once your site is submitted to the queue, you will receive an email with your site info and the html code for the graphics. Your site ID number and specified email address will be included already in this code...all you need to do is put in your name.
Submit site to Soda Pop Queue
Site Title:
Site URL:
Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Enter a short description of your site.
Step 2:
Add Ring Code & Graphics
From the customized email or by editing the code on the Help page, add the ring code and graphic to your site.
Download the Soda Pop Ring Graphic (right click on it and choose "Save As").
Soda Pop Ring
site is owned by
Soda Pop Ring Administrator
Want to join the
Soda Pop Ring
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Copy and paste the code from your email somewhere visible on your page.
Step 3:
Add Site to Ring
Once the code is on your page fill out this form and you will be added to the queue in 24hrs.
Request to be Added to The red can Soda Pop Ring:
If the code and graphics are on your page...or you
you got it...Please fill out this form:
Site URL:
Site Title:
Are the Codes and Graphics on your Page?
HUH??? I need help!
Thank You!!
Your site will be checked and added.
Edit Your Profile
Site ID:
The red can Soda Pop Ring
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This page last updated on March 21, 1998.
© 1998
Luckie Chance Creations