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This web site is brought to you by: the Food for Thought online Bookstore
, Spinner's Orbital Enertainment
, and Li-Ching Chao - I am currently a
PhD student at the Department of Food Science
, University of Wisconsin-Madison . I plan to finish my study before summer, 1998. I am now looking for a job .
This page is planned to serve for three purposes:
1. Food for Thought online Bookstore. 2. Books, information, and links for food related topics. 3. Food science discussion. Since I am very busy, the progress of making this page will be slow. Thanks for your patience.
Excellent customer serviceShipping options payment options, security, and privacy Fast Gift
On Food and Cooking : The Science and Lore of the Kitchen by Harold McGee
The American Wine Society Presents the Complete Handbook of Winemaking by American Wine Society
Cheese Primer by Steven Jenkins
All the Tea in China by Kit Chow, Ione Kramer
Click for more information about our bookstore.
We categorize them into the following five sections:
Food |
Nutrition and Dietetics |
Wine |
Cheese |
Books, information, and links for food related topics:
From Soup To Nuts and Bolts message board
For food science discussion. No advertising.
We have free postcards with cool food images. Check it out!
The Spinner's Orbital Entertainment is a full serviced music
store. You are welcome to purchase CDs and movies here.
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From Soup To Nuts and Bolts Postcards
Kraft interactive kitchen
Email me at lianc_@hotmail.com.
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