Dave's Place -- the phattest place in cyberspace (still)

Welcome to my website. My name is David Mauro. I am a first year economics graduate student at North Carolina State University. I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May of 1997. My interests include the stock market, sports and many other  things you can find out about. Come in.

Stock of the Month updated special situation selected to outperform the market for the month.  Includes past picks, results, and commentary.

Research my interests include violent stock price fluctuations and short to near term price tendency. I expect significant findings by mid 1998.

Papersselected papers with focus on economic development, monetary policy and organizational development.

Resumeif you are looking for a young, promising, hardworking graduate for your company, I will be looking for a exciting career opportunity this December.

Papersall about me. The places I have been, the people I know and the things I like. Chat, links, pics, etc.