This site is dedicated to all the epicureans of the world

epicurean: one with sensitive or discriminating tastes esp. in the matters of food and spirits

Hi, we're Wanda and Greg. Welcome to MEMO's home page.
This page is still under construction but the feature recipe section,the worlds best recipe links section and the photo tour of our studio\dinner club are all up and running.

Very soon you will also be able to find some interesting menu ideas you may wish to use for your next home dinner party or to request from your caterer.You will also find a section containing some tips and tricks for making your epicurean adventures faster and more enjoyable.Also,if you live in or are going to be in the Toronto area,you will find some restaurant reccomendations and critiques.

We would like thank our good friend Jeff Lawless for supplying us with the "pooter" as well as the countless hours of tutouring in it's use.Without which this site would not exist.

Also a big thanks to our new friend Cohen Liota for the many hours spent installing and tuning all the new hardware and software necessary to undertake the construction of this site.

Please e-mail any questions or comments .Don't forget to come back soon to see how things are coming along. Bye for now,Wanda and Greg



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Links to other sites on the Web

The Global Gastronomer (this site RULES!!!)
SOAR(searchable online archive of recipes)
Food tv's cyber kitchen (the recipes here are limited,but they change all the time)

Following the above links should take you to the recipes for just about anything you can imagine from just about anywhere on the planet!

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