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9458 Fairview
Avenue, Suite Q Boise, Idaho 83704
Phone: (208) 378-0065 Fax: (208) 378-6622
Stringless Sugar Snap(TM) Peas
Garden Valley, Inc. is North America's leading year-round producer and marketer of Fresh Stringless Sugar Snap(TM) Peas. Our current goal is to provide the consumer and distributor with on going improvements in service, quality and value. Within our management group, we have over twenty years of experience in the development of the snap pea. We are committed to expanding the Stringless Suger Snap(TM) Pea market to its full potential in all possible consumer segments.
As the exclusive licensee for the new varieties of Stringless Sugar Snap(TM) Peas, Garden Valley, Inc. is the natural successor to the Rogers Fresh Division. Rogers Seed, the developer of Snap Peas, pioneered all initial production and marketing of the product line. Commercial marketing began on a small scale, seasonal basis in the Northwest in 1978. Consumer demand for the product exceeded all expectations. This led to the creation of a fresh division within Rogers Seed in the late 1980's to satisfy the year-round demand for the new and growing market.
In August of 1992, the fresh division was purchased by the then President of Rogers Seed, Bill Albers, who now serves as thier Vice Chairman of the board. An independent corporation we formed under the name of Garden Valley, Inc., and is based in Boise, Idaho, also the headquarters for Rogers Seed.
For the past three seasons, Garden Valley, Inc. has continued to address the issues surrounding the year-round production and marketing of Stringless Sugar Snap(TM) Peas. These include cultural practices, environmental issues, labor management and training, quality control, refrigeration, packaging, transportation and distribution. The new exclusive varieties and latest releases from Rogers Research are constantly being evaluated and tested in Garden Valley's regional production zones. These zones include the Pacific Northwest, California, Mexico and Guatemala. Giving the company the strongestand most reliable
For the snap pea market, we produce only Stringless Sugar Snap(TM) Pea varieties, and enjoy a strong preference for our label. This tender succulent pea is replacing the Snow Pea on many menus. Attractions for the consumer include flavor, convenience, crispness, nutrition and flexibly (eaten alone fresh, with dips, in salads, steamed, stir fried, etc.); we have found universal appeal.
Our organization is committed to build a stable market of quality and supply. Our interest is long-term, from breeding though post-harvest physiology. Garden Valley, Inc. is dedicated to further enhancing its leadership position by continuing to build upon past successes and developing further opportunities for our ever-expanding customer base.
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