the vegeman files

     Yes, you have reached the vegeman produce pages. I have been in produce for 22 years and everyday customers come in the store and ask What's that? and How do you cook it? So on this web site I hope to bring information on some of the exotic Fruits and Vegetables you find in the grocery store. I know that in some countries and cultures, these items are everyday staples. But in many parts of the U.S., they are not common.
      When I began to search for recipes on the web, I found out how hard it is to find actual recipes using some of the common produce names. Many businesses are named after produce items, so you get alot of sites that have nothing to do with what your looking for. On each produce item I have indexed, I have done the searching for you. Their are many very good recipes on the web. I have links for the larger, searchable recipe indexes on my links page. If you have links or recipes you would like to share, please e-mail me.


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Page last updated on 07.31.02
Page design copyright ©1998-2002 Steven Pagel.
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