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The textile industry - long the mainstay of Pakistan's economy - stands at the cross roads. A combination of factors ranging from high raw material prices to increasing competition in the global marketplace is forcing both, our industrialists and our planners to place greater emphasis on increasing productivity and enhancing quality. Both aspects need a significant rise in the number of trained personnel. The Textile Institute of Pakistan seeks to fill this gap by producing graduates in Textile Science and Textile Management to man positions of responsibility in Pakistan's key industry.

But more than producing highly trained professionals, TIP intends to graduate young men and women who are educated in the wider sense of the word. Today's world demands versatility and awareness of the big picture, and not just a narrow specialization. Through a modern curriculum, extensive laboratory and computer facilities, and up-to-date teaching methods, we are training our students to think for themselves. But even more importantly, our highly qualified and dedicated faculty are inculcating a practical, problem-solving approach in our students.

The Institute is fortunate in having the full support of the All Pakistan Textile Association (APTMA). This close link has made it relatively easy for our students to train as interns at some of Pakistan's leading weaving and spinning mills. Similarly, we expect that our graduate will be absorbed in the industry where they will play a pivotal role in its revival.

(This Introduction is contributed by Mr Irfan Husain, President TIP)

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EZ/I/ P-8, Eastern Zone, Port Qasim, Karachi.

Mobile Phone: 0321-7290200-7290300-7290400-7290500

Fax: 0092-21-4533525


Town Office:

A-200 Sindhi Muslim Housing Society,

10th Street, Karachi.

Phone: 0092-21-4549734 & 4549870

Fax: 0092-21-4533525


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Syed Ali Mohsin Rizvi

Muhammed Yasin

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