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*UPDATED* February 10, 1999 ©1998
Please come visit our recipe web site. I invite you to look around and then e-mail me to join us!
Where do I get the recipes from? People just like you! I really only want tried and true recipes that you have made and enjoyed. This way, everyone shares the best recipes ever!
I mail the recipes that are submitted to me about once or twice a month (sometimes more if someone is requesting a specific recipe).
Just some info on me, I am a Coast Guard Spouse and I and my family have moved to Northern California from Hawaii. If you want to read more about me and my family, there is a link below.
Mahalo and Aloha,
Thank you and with Love,
Come visit us, these pages are about me and my family.
Interested in Cloth Diapers?
Here's my method and personal choices of brands of diapers, covers and pins!
A must read to all parents and parents to be. "It will change your life" poem describing how you/your life will change after becoming a parent.
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Note: If you are a contributor, and you wish to remain anonymous, report a typo, add your name, have your full name, or email posted, please email me.
Donna Hansen
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