Here you'll find some FREE tools that may be useful for those
who works in Desktop Publishing (DTP) or Pre-press industry.
All programs listed here are FREE of charge and they're distibuted
under the terms of GNU
Public License (GPL). Please feel free to use and distribute
them on as many mashines you would like. If you like them
or want to send bug report reffer to the About
page where you can find my e-mail address. Use the menu at
the left to read more information about any of the applications.
All of the applications provided here are written and tested
under Windows 98 with Delphi 5. They should work well under
any other 32 bit Windows but I did not made such tests. Any
of the applications is available for Download
as ZIP
file wich contains the installer. Unzip, run the installer
and follow the instructions. All apps have an uninstall feature.
The applications neither replace any system files, nor write
any files outside their home folders.
List of the applications:
TIFF Info |

Need to preflight your TIFF images before send
them to imagesetter or servise bureau? Want quick
information about them? Want to quickly find all
RGB (or any colour model) TIFF in some folder?
TIFF Info will do all the job for you!
Save time and money downloading and using large
and slow commersial preflight software giving
you tons of information you don't need! Use TIFF
about TIFF Info ...
Timer |

Want to clock the time for differnt tasks? Your
cuntomers pay you per hour? Get Timer!
about Timer ...